Publikationer från OSE-gruppen

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Några relevanta referenser från OSE gruppen:

Skjal A., Westerlund T., Misener R. and Floudas C. A. (2012). A Generalization of the Classical αBB
Convex Underestimation via Diagonal and Non-diagonal Quadratic Terms. Journal of Optimization
Theory and Applications
, Available on-line, March 30th, 2012.
Nyberg A. and Westerlund T. (2012). A New Exact Discrete Linear Reformulation of the Quadratic
Assignement Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, Available on-line, February 16th
Lundell A., Skjal A. and Westerlund T. (2012) A reformulation framework for global optimization. Journal of Global Optimization, Available on-line February 24th, 2012.
Lundell A. and Westerlund T. (2012) The Chapter: Global Optimization of Mixed-Integer Signomial Programming Problems. In the book Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (eds.) Lee J. and Leyffer S., The IMA volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, 154, Part 5, 349-369, Springer.
Lundell A., Westerlund J. and Westerlund T. (2009) Some transformation techniques with applications in global optimization. Journal of Global Optimization, 43, 391-405.

Östman F. and Toivonen H.T. (2011) Adaptive Cylinder Balancing of Internal Combustion Engines. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology,19, 782-791.
Tötterman S. and Toivonen H.T. (2009) Support vector method for identification of Wiener models, Journal of Process Control, 19, 1174-1181.
Östman F. and Toivonen H.T. (2008) Model-based torsional vibration control of internal combustion engines. IET Control Theory Appl., 2, 1024-1032.

Kurula M. and Staffans O.J. (2011) Connections Between Classical and Generalised Trajectories of a State/Signal System. Complex Analyses and Operator Theory, 5, 403-422.
Arov D.Z. and Staffans O.J. (2009) A Krein space coordinate free version of the de Branges complementary space. J. Functional Analysis, 256, 3892-3915.
Staffans O.J. (2005) Well-Posed Linear Systems, Cambridge University Press Cambridge, 794 pages .

Mathematisk statistik:
Konstantopoulos T., Kyprianou A.E. and Salminen P. (2011). On the excursions of reflected local time processes and stochastic fluid
queues. Journal of Applied Probability, 48A, 79-98.
Hanage W.P., Fraser C., Tang J., Connor T. and Corander J. (2009) Hyper-recombination, diversity and antibiotic resistance in the pneumococcus. Science, 324, 1454-1457.
Corander J., Gyllenberg M. and Koski T. (2006) Bayesian model learning based on parallel MCMC strategy. Statistics and Computing, 16, 355-362.


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