aktuella Nyheter

Plenarföredrag: ”Aspects on solving convex and nonconvex MINLP problems” av Prof. Tapio Westerlund vid MINLP 2014 i Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, den 2-5 juni 2014...

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Doktorand Bao Quoc Ta disputerar den 15 maj 2014 på avhandlingen "Excessive functions, appell polynomials and optimal Stopping". Disputationen äger rum i Stora auditoriet, ASA-huset, Fänriksgatan 3, Åbo...

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Filosofie magister Anders Skjäl disputerar den 10 april 2014 på avhandlingen On the Use of Convex Underestimatiors in Global Optimization. Disputationen äger rum kl. 12 i auditorium Salin, Axelia II...

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The Optimization and Systems Engineering (OSE) group at Åbo Akademi University is an interdisciplinary research group focusing on theory, methods and algorithms in systems engineering, optimization and statistics, and their applications in science and engineering.

OSE bridges the systems engineering, systems theory and mathematical disciplines at ÅAU, and the OSE group represents the kernel of expertise in this field at the University.

The OSE groups english pages…