Åbo Akademi University 2014/2015
Ethnographic field methods
5 credits
Intermediate level, previous studies required
Self-study course
Contact: Lena Marander-Eklund
Aim(s): 1) to learn to identify different kinds of ethnographic
2) to create folklore sources through different methods, such
as interviews, participant observation and questionnaires
3) to reflect over the creation of sources as a result of fieldwork
and the role of the researcher in this process
BA seminars (folkloristics as main subject)
10 credits
Seminars in Swedish OR self-study under supervision of
assigned member of staff
Contact: Lena Marander-Eklund
Intermediate level, previous studies required
Aim(s): 1) learning what characterizes scholarly writing
2) learning information retrieval
3) mastering the basics for how to write and academic thesis
4) formulating a problem, handling sources and applying
scholarly theories in an academic context
The student writes a BA thesis concerning a folkloristic topic
of choice during this course.
Preparatory seminars (folkloristics as minor
5 credits
Intermediate level, previous studies required
Seminars in Swedish OR self-study under supervision of
assigned member of staff
Contact: Lena Marander-Eklund
Aim(s): 1) learning what characterizes scholarly writing
2) learning information retrieval
3) mastering the basics for how to write and academic thesis
4) formulating a problem, handling sources and applying
scholarly theories in an academic context
The student writes a scholarly essay concerning a folkloristic
topic of choice during this course.
Optional courses (self-study):
The body and health
5 credits
Intermediate/Advanced level
Self-study course
Contact: Lena Marander-Eklund
Aim(s): The course deals with how the view of the body and
health has changed throughout history. What does it mean to
be healthy/ill, andwhat ideals of health andwellbeing prevail
in present day society?
Classical folklore
5 credits
Intermediate/Advanced level
Self-study course
Contact: Lena Marander-Eklund
Aim(s): The course gives an introduction to the folklore of
classical antiquity with emphasis on folklore as social and
cultural history. The focus rests on folklore found also in later
day tradition, such as narratives of ware-wolfs witches and
ghosts. Traditions such as anecdotes and joke-telling will
also be featured.
Children's folklore and minor genres
5 credits
Intermediate/Advanced level
Self-study course
Contact: Lena Marander-Eklund
Aim(s): The student investigates and is familiarized with chil-
dren's folklore and minor genres such as riddles, proverbs,
traditional sayings, jokes and swearwords. Form, function
and content are thoroughly studied, but context is also given
Cultural minorities and folklore
5 credits
Intermediate/Advanced level
Self-study course
Contact: Lena Marander-Eklund
Aim(s): The course focuses on the importance of folklore for
ethnic groups, and inwhat ways folklore appears in discourses
regarding minorities and identity.
Cultural values today and folklore
5 credits
Intermediate/Advanced level
Self-study course
Contact: Lena Marander-Eklund
Aim(s): This course studies folklore and values in the society
of today. The student investigates how our values and norms
rest upon constantly repeated notions and ideas.
Discourse analysis and narratology
5 credits
Intermediate/Advanced level
Self-study course
Contact: Lena Marander-Eklund
Aim(s): The aim of the course is to demonstrate how narrato-
logical methods can be employed in the analysis of folklore
texts and interview material.
European folklore
5 credits
Intermediate/Advanced level
Self-study course
Contact: Lena Marander-Eklund
Aim(s): The course is an introduction to European folklore,
based on the participating international students own experi-
ences of rituals connected to customs concerning celebrations
in life, such as weddings, baptisms, funerals, graduation, birth-
days etc. The students learn how to view their own culture
with the eyes of a stranger, how to produce course material,
and how to present their findings to an audience.
Folk song, folk dance and folk music
5 credits
Intermediate/Advanced level
Self-study course
Contact: Lena Marander-Eklund