Åbo Akademi University 2014/2015
Hinduism and Buddhism
5 credits
Basic level
Self-study course
Contact: Måns Broo
Aim: to provide basic knowledge of Buddhism and Hinduism
in both historical and present forms.
Literature: In consultation with examiner
A completed course in Hinduism and Buddhism can be fol-
lowed by a Special courses in both Hinduism and Buddhism
and / or Yoga, Meditation and Tantric Bliss in South Asia and
the West
Yoga, Meditation and Tantric Bliss in South Asia
and the West
5 credits
Basic and intermediate level
Self-study course
Lecturer: Måns Broo
Aim: to give an understanding of some of the South Asian reli-
gious or spiritual traditions that have reachedWestern shores
since the end of the 19th century (e.g. Swami Vivekananda,
Transcendental Meditation and the Hare Krishnamovement).
The main focus is be on the development and character of
these traditions in their new environments.
Entry requirements: Introduction to Comparative and /or
Religion and Hinduism and Buddhism completed, or com-
parable earlier studies
Literature: In consultation with examiner
5 credits
Basic level
Self-study course
Contact: Peter Nynäs
Aim: to provide basic knowledge of Islam in both historical
and present forms.
Literature: In consultation with examiner
A completed course in Islam can be followed by a Special
course in Islam
Judaism and Christianity
5 credits
Basic level
Self-study course
Contact: Måns Broo
Aim: to provide basic knowledge in Judaism and Christian-
ity from a perspective of comparative religion, including
their origins and roots, their sacred texts, and their historical
Literature: In consultation with examiner
Ancient religions of the Mediterranean and
Middle East
5 credits
Intermediate level
Self-study course
Contact: Måns Broo
Aim: to provide basic knowledge of ancient religions of the
Mediterranean and Middle East from a perspective of history
of religion.
Literature: In consultation with examiner
East Asian religions
5 credits
Intermediate level
Self-study course
Contact: Måns Broo
Aim: to provide basic knowledge of East Asian religions in
China, Korea and Japan from a perspective of comparative
Literature: In consultation with examiner
Nordic religions
5 credits
Intermediate level
Self-study course
Contact: Jan Svanberg
Aim: to provide knowledge of old Nordic religious myths,
rites and for instance Schamanism. The reading material also
presents views on aspects of interpretation and method and
intends to shed light on the ways ideologies can influence re-
search strategies and awake interest in ancient Nordic religion.
Literature: In consultation with examiner
Psychology of Religion I
5 credits
Intermediate level
Self-study course
Contact: Peter Nynäs
Aim: to introduce psychological perspectives and concepts
in the study of religion with emphases on religious experi-
ences, religious orientation and individual development of
Literature: In consultation with examiner
Psychology of Religion II
5 credits
Intermediate level
Self-study course
Contact: Peter Nynäs
Aim: to provide further psychological perspectives on religion
such as religious development, attachment theory, coping
theory and religion and health.
Prerequisites: Psychology of Religion I completed, or compa-
rable earlier studies
Literature: In consultation with examiner
Anthropology of religion
5 credits
Intermediate level
Self-study course
Contact: Jan Svanberg
Aim: to introduce anthropological perspectives and concepts
in the study of religion.
Literature: In consultation with examiner
Religion and Ecology
5 credits
Intermediate level
Self-study course
Contact: Peter Nynäs
Aim(s): to provide perspectives on ecological perspectives
embedded in different religious traditions and on religious
dimension of today's ecological ideologies and activism.