Study in English 2014-2015 - page 15

Åbo Akademi University 2014/2015
Housing in Vasa
The International office will organise housing in student apartments for all students participating in
exchange programmes (such as ERASMUS, Nordplus, ISEP, CREPUQ). The student apartments are in
a house called "Lärkan" 1,2 km from the University, close to the railway station and the city centre.
Remember to fill in your Housing application at
. It is also possible to rent an
apartment on the open market, private, or shared with other students. It will require that you yourself
are active, follow ads in local newspapes and on the internet. This will in many cases be more expen-
sive than student housing. If you want to arrange your housing yourself, please see
(select English and "Vaasa").
The Orientation Course for International Students
An orientation course for new international students is organized at the beginning of each term: 27-29
August 2014 and 7-8 January 2015.
The orientation course is compulsory
for exchange students.
It aims at introducing the students to the university, the city and the country. The course helps the
students to adjust and it facilitates an efficient academic orientation. The programme also provides
the participants with the possibility to get to know the other international students as well as the staff
at the International Office and the Student Union.
Advising sessions
Advising sessions are offered to all incoming exchange students during the week after the Orientation
course, individually or in subject-specific groups. Students are requested to
finalise their study plans,
and make schedules for their studies
before or during these meetings. Students will also get help with
course registration.
Student tutors
All exchange students will have a student tutor, a Finnish fellow student, to helpwith practical matters
when settling in and as a contact during the exchange period. The tutors will also meet the exchange
students upon their arrival. The tutors work on a voluntary basis and have been trained for their task.
Exchange students will be divided into tutorgroups of 3-6 students. The group meets more often in
the beginning of the term and at regular intervals during the stay. The assistance of a fellow student
is invaluable in particular at the start of the study period.
The student union charges a membership fee of 53 euros/term. Membership is compulsory for those
studying for their Bachelor's or Master's degrees; those pursuing their doctoral studies may join the
student union if they wish. Exchange students also have the right to join the student union. The
student unions provide various services such as health care at the Finnish Student Health Service,
meals at reduced prices (2,60 euros for a warm lunch, the price is subsidised by the state) at univer-
sity cafeterias, and reductions on train and bus tickets. The student unions also organize leisure time
activities for students.
Students do not have to pay any tuition fees at Åbo Akademi University. However, students have to
pay for their housing and living expenses. There are also some initial expenses at the beginning of
the stay that students should be prepared for: e.g. the Student Unionmembership fee, 53 euros/term,
a fee for the student card 16,60 euros, and a starting package fee which will be partially refunded.
Before leaving the home country the student should make sure that he/she has enough funds for
the stay through grants, scholarships or private funds. The total monthly living expenses of a single
student are approximately 600 euros. Depending on personal spending habits, a supplement of 100-
200 euros should be added per month. The university does not offer any financial aid to international
students and students should not rely on finding a job while in Finland.
Example of a student's basic monthly living expenses:
Student housing
260-360 euros
Private housing
350-550 euros
250-300 euros
Local transportation
30 euros
100-200 euros
600-950 euros
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