Åbo Akademi University 2014/2015
Learning outcomes: Knowledge of what the concepts on
cultural heritage and historical uses signify and how such
phenomena are used in today's world, especially in the field
of tourism. A particular ability to analyze cultural heritage
processes as well as looking at how these are connected to
political and economic decision-making. A particular knowl-
edge of the phases in politics concerning cultural heritage in
Finnish wooden towns and different applications in cultural
heritage milieus and museums.
Course literature: Contact teacher.
Ethnological Textile Studies
7 credits
Intermediate/ advanced level
Self-study course
Contact: Anna-Maria Åström
Prerequisites: for students at an intermediate/advanced level
Aimand content: The aimof the course is to give basic knowl-
edge of textile studies in Finnish and Nordic perspectives.
Literature studies, analysis and presentations of the content
and structure of course diaries. The reading course gives an
insight into the history of textiles, popular dress-usage, textile
techniques and textile variations.
Learning outcomes: Ability to give an account of the history of
textiles in awide perspective in regardof technics andmaterial
as well as variations in different regions. A deeper knowledge
about the popular dress-usage, fashion styles and textile us-
age in general. In addition to this an ability to account for the
latest development in textile ethnology and fashion science.
Course literature: Contact teacher.
Ethnological Food Research
7 credits
Intermediate/ advanced level
Self-study course
Contact: Anna-Maria Åström
Prerequisites: for students at an intermediate/advanced level
Aimand content: Adeeper knowledge of popular food, dinner
customand the food cultures' changes with special emphasis
on Finland-Swedish and Finnish circumstances. Knowledge of
the recipes' importance for food economizing, insights into
variations in the popular diet and the food culture's develop-
ment as well as the food's symbolicmeaning. Reading course,
examination through essays.
Literature: Contact teacher.
Consumption, Things and Identities
5 credits
Intermediate level
Self-study course
Contact: Anna-Maria Åström
Prerequisites: for students at an intermediate level
Aim and content: Understanding of the consumer society's
dynamics and its effect on identity, a deeper knowledge of
consumption, housing and the culture of objects in propor-
tion to identity.
Learning outcomes: Ability to explain and analytically con-
template how consumption, culture of objects and housing
are included in identity building in various Nordic and inter-
national milieus. Insight into modern consumption theories,
theories onmodern identity formation and the development
of ethnological research on objects.
Literature: Contact teacher.
Nordic Folkloristics
Folklore studies entail folk poetry, narratives on everyday
experience, folk beliefs and folk customs, both historical and
present day. They comprise modern popular culture as well.
It is possible to conduct studies of Nordic folkloristics from
bachelor's to doctoral level. The only courses lectured in
English are, Swedish in Finland and Comics - interdisciplinary
and cultural perspectives. On the exchange students' initia-
tive one course per year may also be arranged in the form of
a study or reading circle. There is no other regular teaching
in English. However, almost every year there are guest teach-
ers from abroad who lecture in English. It is also possible to
take reading courses based on self-studies. Supervision is
given in English. Please contact Professor Ulrika Wolf-Knuts
or Docent LenaMarander-Eklund (lmarande@
abo.fi) for supervision and to customize courses according to
your own need. Students from abroad generally have their
own curricula and their own study plan to follow under the
professor's supervision.
Lectured courses:
English folklore
5 credits
Intermediate level
Lectures, fieldwork, seminar
Offered: October - December 2014
Lecturers: PhD Jonathan Roper, MA Jakob Löfgren
Contact person: MA Jakob Löfgren
Form of assessment: Lectures, fieldwork, oral presentation
and seminar
Aim(s): The course aims to familiarize the student with English
folklore and English folklore studies. This is done bymeans of
lectures and a voluntary fieldwork to England in November.
The findings are to be presented in an open seminar held at
Åbo Akademi in December 2014.
LearningOutcome: Having completed the course the student
will have a rudimentary understanding of English folklore
and English folklore studies. The course also hones practical
fieldwork skills and academic seminar work.
Transferable skills: The course develops the students' critical
and reflexive thinking, advances fieldstudy and organiza-
tional skills and improves the students' project management
Kalevala and Finnish Folklore Studies
5 credits
Intermediate/Advanced level
Lectured course
Offered: January - March 2015
Lecturers: Eerika Koskinen-Koivisto
Contact person: Lena Marander-Eklund
Form of assessment: Lectures, interactive study group, read-
ings and discussions. Written assignments based on lectures,
discussions and readings.
Aim(s): The Kalevala, Finnish national epics, was compiled
by Elias Lönnrot in 1935. The edition known and read in our
times was published in 1849. The Kalevala consists of poems
collected from the people of Eastern Part of Finland and
Russian Karelia. It gave inspiration for national awakening
of Finland and national romanticism. Today, it still continues
to be a source of inspiration for artist and academic scholars
of folklore studies. The course familiarizes with folklore, the
Kalevala, Kalevala metric poetry and early studies of Finnish