Åbo Akademi University 2014/2015
Nordic Culture
5 credits
Basic level
Self-study course
Contact: Niklas Huldén
Prerequisites: None
Aim and content: The aim of the course is to give basic
knowledge of people's everyday life, cultural patterns and
individual cultural expressions in Nordic countries and in the
Nordic communities concentrating in the national cultures in
Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Faroe Islands in 19th
and 20th centuries.
Learning outcomes: Knowledge of cultural phenomena and
characteristics in connection with the past and the present
in Nordic countries. Understanding for Nordic communities
and their distinctive characters as well as the impact of the
Modernity on them.
Literature: Contact teacher
Home and Family
5 credits
Undergraduate level
Self-study course
Contact: Anna-Maria Åström
Prerequisites: studies at the intermediate level (students in
Ethnology from 2nd year up)
Aimand content: To give an overview on concepts regarding
home and family in contemporary times as well as in peasant
societies. The students read literature and write analysis of
home and family and the meaning of family from material,
social and cultural aspects.
Literature: Contact teacher
Cultural Ecology
5 credits
Graduate level
Self-study course
Contact: Niklas Huldén
Prerequisites: Completed undergraduate-level studies in
Aimand content: Knowledge of the relationship between hu-
manbeings and the environment indifferent times indifferent
surroundings. Traditional and historical patterns in exploiting
natural resources during different times concentrating on
some specific types of nature and areas. The processes of
exploiting resources from the anthropological and historical
Literature: Contact teacher
Communication and Contact
5 credits
Graduate level
Self-study course
Contact: Sonja Hagelstam
Prerequisites: completed undergraduate-level studies in
Aim and content: The aim of the course is to provide knowl-
edge of the impact that different media and communication
technologies have on the every-day life of people, on social
relationships and cultural practices. The course opens up
perspectives on the relationships between technology and
culture. The focus is on newmedia aimed for communication
between people that also observe communication in the
historical perspective.
Literature: Contact teacher
Ethnicity and Identifications
5 credits
Graduate level
Self-study course
Contact: Anna-Maria Åström
Prerequisites: completed undergraduate-level studies in
Aimand content: The aimof the course is to provide informa-
tion on questions regarding ethnicity, ethnical processes and
cultural encounters. Theoretical knowledge of ethnicity with
Northern Norwegian, Swedish, Finland-Swedish examples,
minority perspective, and the problems concerning multi-
Learning outcomes: analytical understanding of ethnicity
processes, ethnic processes and cultural encounters.
Literature: Contact teacher
Urban Spaces and Rituals
5 credits
Undergraduate level
Self-study course
Contact: Anna-Maria Åström
Prerequisites: completed basic-level studies in Ethnology
Aim and content: The course deals with cities, urban cultures
and their forms of expression. The course provides knowledge
of international and Finnish ethnological and cultural scientific
research of the cities, information of the culture of cities and
rituals connected with urban spaces.
Literature: Contact teacher.
Historical Anthropology; a Classic Approach
8 credits
Basic - Advanced level
Self-study course
Contact: Anna-Maria Åström
Prerequisites: None, though previous studies in Ethnology
are recommended.
Aimand content: To give an overviewon historical anthropol-
ogy/micro history with emphasis on the theoretical, classical
and interdisciplinarywritings. Literature studies fromtheoreti-
cal and classical perspectives regarding different times and
phenomena in European history.
Learning outcomes: Ability to combine the historical and
anthropological ways of thinking, an insight into classical
and contemporary historical anthropological studies, also
concerningquestions about gender andmarginality. Ability to
see historical associations from the anthropological perspec-
tive with emphasis on emotions and practices.
Literature: Contact teacher.
Culture and Technology
3 credits
Basic-Advanced level
Self-study course
Contact: Niklas Huldén
Prerequisites: None, though previous studies in Ethnology
are recommended.
Aim and content: The aim of the course is to provide basic