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Job opportunities related to to COST FP0901

This sub page is devoted to researchers looking for job opportunities related to COST FP0901. If you are interested in work, and your country/university is part of COST FP0901 (List found here) it is possible to send your CV (template for CV found here) to costfp0901(at)abo.fi. Your CV will be uploaded to this web page, and can then be inspected by possible employers.

It is also possible to send information to costfp0901(at)abo.fi about open positions within COST FP0901 that you want to fill. The information/link will be added to this page, and the information/link can then be inspected by possible employees.

FP0901 or Åbo Akademi University are not responsible for this content or offering any jobs, we are only giving the FP0901 members this opportunity for networking

Looking for job opportunities related to COST FP0901

Added May 15:th 2012: Sally Burr, PhD (CV)

Last Update: March 20:th by Anders Strand