The Center of Excellence in Behavior Genetics has set up
an International Scientific Advisory Board. The purpose of
the board is to provide critical guidance about research
activities and to advice on strategic planning for future research directions.
The following members have been appointed to the International Scientific Advisory Board:
Professor John Archer, University of Central Lancashire, is the director of an internationally well renowned aggression research group and engaged in research on a large range of issues related to human aggression, its influences and its effects.
Professor Julia R. Heiman, a leader in the field of sex research, is the sixth director of The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction at Indiana University, Bloomington.
Professor Nick Martin, who heads the Genetic Epidemiology Laboratory at the Institute of Medical Research, University of Queensland, has played a major role in founding the Australian Twin Registry. He has used these twins in a series of very large behavior genetic studies which have set international standards within the field.