Åbo Akademi University 2014/2015
of Master of Science theses that arewritten at the department
of Industrial Management. Recent research projects focus on
the patterns of development of project-based companies,
competences and capabilities that are required for business
success, the importance of customer relations in the project
delivery and new ways to manage projects in a turbulent
environment of today.
Industrial Project Business
10 credits
Advanced level
Lectured course
Offered: Autumn 2014
Lecturer: Johanna Liinamaa and Magnus Hellström
Compulsory course registration through MinPlan. Max. 30
Aim(s) and contents: The course gives an advanced under-
standing of industrial project business as a means for achiev-
ing competitive advantage. By focusing on industrial projects
globally and on how they are carried out in an environment
where complex new technologies and organizational struc-
tures havemade the task evenmore complicated, this course
goes through techniques, tools andmethods for themanage-
ment of project networks, project firms, and project bsuiness
networks. It touches upon the commercial aspects of projects.
Topics that are included are: managing project business,
project business characteristics, project(s) marketing & sales,
business models, implementationmodels, offering & scopes,
functional solutions, project networks & ecosystems, modu-
larity, pricing, project portfolio management. An extensive
project business case is an essential part of the course. After
examination the student has advanced knowledge about
central themes of industrial project business and business
models. The student will be able to analyse different parts
of industrial project business, individually and in group. The
student is able to apply and to proposemethods for industrial
project business.
Form of assessment: Compulsory assignments and written
Prerequisites: Master's level students who have passed the
project management course and who seek to deepen their
skills in project business on an advanced level. Necessary
qualifications will be checked.
Course literature: Course literature will be announced when
the course starts.
Project Management (Industrial management)
5 credits
Intermediate level
Lectured course
Offered: Spring 2015
Lecturer: Magnus Hellström and Johanna Liinamaa
Compulsory course registration through MinPlan. Max. 50
Aim(s) and contents: The objective of the course is to develop
an understanding of project management, its concepts, prac-
tices and tools. The focus is on project planning and project
management of the single project, i.e. the knowledge areas,
skills and methods that are needed for managing the project
successfully. The overall life-cycle of projects is considered,
from early identification of needs proceeding to design,
manufacturing, installation and operation of the outcome.
The following topics are covered: basics of project business,
project goals & success, project life-cycle, project marketing
and sales, project planning and control, scheduling, resourc-
ing, cost management, procurement, risk management,
follow-up and monitoring, project organization and leader-
ship, agile project management. An essential part of the
course are the compulsory assignments which is carried out
in groups, including presentation in class. After examination
the student will have knowledge about central concepts of
project management and how to implement the concepts
into practical cases. Knowledge about PMI standards.
Course literature: A Guide to the Project Management Body
of Knowledge. A selection of other literature.
Form of assessment: Compulsory assignments and written
Inorganic Chemistry
Students are introduced to the field of inorganic chemistry
through an understanding of its basic principles: solid-state
chemistry, homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical
reactions, chemical equilibriums as well as water solutions
and acid-base theory. This basic knowledge is widened later
on in special courses on high temperature thermodynamics,
combustion chemistry andmaterials chemistry aswell as basic
concepts of metal corrosion and electrochemistry.
Advanced inorganic chemistry
4 credits
Advanced level
Lectured course
Offered: Autumn 2014
Contact: Leena Hupa
Aim and contents: The course aims at deepening the knowl-
edge of inorganic high temperature advancedmaterials with
focus on their structure, properties, manufacturing processes
and applications. The course provides basic knowledge and
fundamental principles needed to prepare, select and utilize
advanced inorganic high temperature materials glasses, ce-
ramics, metals and composites in various applications. Special
emphasis is put onmaterial properties, basic termodynamics
andkinetics of high-temperatureprocesses. The topics include
kinetics of heterogeneous reactions of solids, diffusionmecha-
nisms, nucleation and crystal growth in glasses, sintering.
Learning objectives: At the conclusion of this course the
students should be able to critically compare materials for
different demanding applications and understand the influ-
ence of structure and compositionon thematerials properties.
Target audience: Master's and postgraduate students
Form of assessment: examination
Course literature: Handouts
Solid state chemistry (old name Inorganic
6 credits
Intermediate level
Lectured course and laboratory exercises
Offered: Autumn 2014 (periods 1 and 2)
Lectures: Leena Hupa and experts on different instrumental
Contact: Leena Hupa
Aim and contents: This course gives the grounding of solid
state chemistry and equilibria between solid phases and
gases or melts. Researchmethods and equipment commonly
used in inorganic and materials chemistry are introduced.
Structure and bonding in solid state, properties of crystalline
and amorphous materials, and phase diagrams for binary