Åbo Akademi University 2014/2015
expected to be able to find information necessary for process
design, to calculate material and energy flows in the process,
to select and size major equipment and estimate the cost of
the process. The student must also be able to describe the de-
signboth inwriting andorally. The student should alsobe able
to describe the different phases of a process design project.
General skills: During the course the student searches for
information, works in a group of people, collects, selects,
analyzes and modifies available information and presents
the completed work.
Teachingmethods: The supervisor meets the students during
several meeting for general discussion about the different
steps in the design process as well as for demonstration of
process simulation tools and tools for technical drawing. The
completed work is presented during a public seminar.
Forms of examination: The work is graded by the supervisor
based on the activity during the course, the final report and
the final presentation.
Target group: The course is aimed at students in the Master's
Programme in Chemical Engineering as well as international
exchange students.
Course literature: Towler, G., Sinnott, R. K., Chemical Engineer-
ing Design - Principles, Practice and Economics of Plant and
Process Design, 2nd edition, 2012.
Special Work in Process Engineering
2 credits
Intermediate level
Independent research exercise
Offered: Upon agreement
Contact: Frej Bjondahl
Aim(s): The aim of the course is to develop the student's abil-
ity to independently solve assignments and to present the
results both orally and in writing. The assignment can be a
planning- and simulation work, a literature study, laboratory
work or similar in areas related to process engineering.
Course website:
Learning outcomes: After completing the course the student
is expected to be able to independently solve specified simple
assignments in process engineering, to draw conclusions
about the results and to present the results both orally and
in writing.
General skills: Depending on the topic the student would
train skills in literature search, process simulation and/or
laboratory work as well as skills in presenting information in
writing and orally.
Teaching methods: The student discusses the topic of the
assignment with the supervisor during several meetings.
The student writes a report about the work and presents the
results during a public seminar.
Forms of examination: The supervisor grades the work based
on the discussions with the student, the report and the
Target group: The course is intended for students in the
Master's Programme in Chemical Engineering as well as
international exchange students.
Seminars in Process Design and Systems
2-10 credits
Advanced level
Independent research exercise
Offered: Upon agreement
Contact: Frej Bjondahl
Aim(s): The aim of the course is to give the student further
knowledge in the area of process design and systems engi-
neering. According to agreement with the supervisor, the
workmay consist of experimental, calculation, programming
or simulation studies etc. A report is written about the work
and presented as a seminar.
Course website:
Learning outcomes: After completing the course the student
is expected to be able to independently solve specified ad-
vanced assignments in process design and systems engineer-
ing, to draw conclusions about the results and the present the
results both orally and in writing.
General skills: The student will become more accustomed to
working independently as well as train skills in presenting
information in writing and orally. Depending on the topic
the student would also train skills in literature search, process
simulation and/or laboratory work.
Teaching methods: The student discusses the topic of the
assignment with the supervisor during several meetings.
The student writes a report about the work and presents the
results during a public seminar.
Forms of examination: The assignments can be split into one
or more parts. The total grade is calculated as an average of
the individual grades of the parts weighed by the number
of credits for each part. The supervisor grades each part
based on the discussions with the student, the report and
the presentation.
Target group: The course is intended for students in the
Master's Programme in Chemical Engineering as well as for
international exchange students.
Thermal and Flow
The Thermal and Flow Engineering Laboratory gives educa-
tion in heat and mass transfer, thermodynamics, fluid me-
chanics, energy technology, separation technology, process
modeling and optimization, as well as artificial intelligence.
The courses are designed to prepare the students to solve
real-world problems in their future profession.
4 credits
Advanced level
Lectured course
Offered: Autumn 2014 (November / December)
Course participantsmay also take course 424518.0Heat pump
practical work, 2 credits, during December 2014-February
Lecturer: Ron Zevenhoven
To give an overview on refrigeration theory and transfer
knowledge on equipment design and operation, including
recent developments.
Prior knowledge: PTE1 and PTE2.
Contents: Overview on different refrigeration processes, va-
porisation cooling, heat pumps, low temperature processes,
Literature: Course compendium.
Examination: Exercises and written exam.