Study in English 2014-2015 - page 72

ManagementScienceand InventoryAnalysis
Intermediate (Bachelor's /undergraduate) level
Target audience: Bachelor level students (2nd-3rdyear)
Lecturer: TBA
Aim and content: During several discussions with industry
partners, it has come forth that there is a growing need of
personswith an education inbusiness andquantitative ca-
pabilities. This course is thefirst step toexpose the students
tosuchmethods. It isdesigned forbusinessstudentsandwill
not require rigidmathematical background skills.
sciencemethods) in informationsystems.Basicprinciples for
linear optimization arepresented and the student is taught
how tomodel real problems using both freeware software
andMicrosoft Excel. The student is alsoexposed toqueuing
modelsand inventorymodels. Finally, quantitativemethods
in the context of inventory analysis will be presented. All
methodsare illustratedwithexamples.
After completing thecourse the studentwill beable to
Understand and explain the problems that can be
solvedwithmanagementsciencemodels; these include
resourceallocationproblems, networkandassignment
problems, inventory problems, queuingproblems and
issues forusing integer and simulationmodels
Solve suchproblemswith suitable tools (such as Excel
and itsadd-ons)
Discover the relation betweenmanagement science
tools andmethods and their application to real-world
Write reports formanagement on how suchproblems
were tackledand solved
Prerequisites: Basic level courses in InformationSystems
Literature: F.S. Hillier and G.J. Lieberman: Introduction to
OperationsResearch,NewYork :McGraw-Hill 5thed.
Pidd,Michael: Tools forThinking.Modelling inManagement
Science, Chichester: J.Wiley&Sons2nded/2003
Business Intelligence
Advanced (Master's /graduate) level
Lecturedcourse, researchexercises ingroups
Target audience:Master level students (4thyear and later)
Lecturer: BarbroBack
Aimand content: Theoverall aimof the course is toprovide
anunderstandingofbusiness intelligence,datawarehousing,
and intelligent systems.
Themaincontentsof thecourseare
Business Intelligence
Knowledge-based systems
Neural networks
After completing this course, studentswill beable to
Defineandexplainwhatbusiness intelligence is
Define the roleofDataWarehousing inanorganization
and relate the conceptsof datawarehouse to thebusi-
ness intelligenceprocess
Identify issueswithextractingdata fromheterogeneous
data sources
Definean intelligent system
Explain how artificial intelligence differs from human
Indicatemainadvantagesof intelligent systems
Describe themeaningofhuman-likewhendealingwith
intelligent systems
Describe the main ideas behind a knowledge-based
Describe themain ideasbehindneural networks
network learning -supervised, reinforcement,andunsu-
pervised learning.
Demonstrate an ability touse softwarewithin the area
of Business Intelligence.
Prerequisites:Bachelordegree in InformationSystems/Busi-
nessor equivalent;DatabasesorDataWarehousing
Computational IntelligenceandManagement
Advanced (Master's /graduate) level
Target audience:Master level students (4thyear and later)
Lecturer: JozsefMezei
Aimandcontent: Informationandcommunicationtechnology
[ICT]hasbecomebothanessential resource forbusinessand
anefficient,effectiveanddevelopable instrument forachiev-
ing the strategic targets thatmoderncorporations face. The
courseprovides the studentswithabasis forunderstanding
these relations; the students will be able to independently
study furtherandunderstand thedevelopmentof ICT instru-
ments and their strategic consequences, and to formulate
newstrategicsolutions forcorporations facingthechallenges
posedbyadvances in ICT.
Themaincontentsof thecourseare:
Computational Intelligenceandmodernmanagement
Artificialvs.Computational Intelligence:Yesterday,Today
EvolutionaryComputationwith IndustrialApplications
IntelligentAgentsandSwarm Intelligence
DecisionSupport Systems- theNew, Intelligent Era
StrategicManagement and Intelligent Support
CompetitiveAdvantagesofComputational Intelligence
Obstacles forApplyingComputational Intelligence
ICTand theProductivityParadox
Cyber crimeand information security
After completing thecoursea student shouldbeable to
Understand and explain the key possibilities and chal-
lengesofcomputational intelligenceand ICT inmodern
corporations in the form of written essays; the issues
include the potential of computational intelligence,
decisionmakingandDSS, ICT investmentsandproduc-
tivity, strategic management and intelligent support,
competitiveadvantagesof intelligentand interactive ICT,
application of computational intelligence, cybercrime
and IS security technology
Learnhow tosearch forandfind relevantdata, informa-
tion and knowledge in support of the issues dealtwith
in thecoursebyworking through internet sourceswith
intelligent ICT tools
Read, learn and critically evaluate thematerial of text-
books, articlesandcase studies
Prerequisites:Bachelordegree in InformationSystems/Busi-
nessor equivalent
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