Åbo Akademi University 2014/2015
International Commercial Law, written exam
5 credits
Self-study course
Offered: Autumn 2014, Spring 2015
Responsible person: Professor Hannu Honka
Aim and learning outcomes: The course aims to provide the
studentswith an understanding of legal questions concerning
international transactions. After having completed this course,
you should be able to explain the main legal norms and insti-
tutions which provide the basis for international trade. You
should also be able to recognize the legal problems arising
from international commercial contracts and develop argu-
ments in order to find possible solutions to these problems.
Content: Regulations and principles concerning sales and
services; standard documents; European integration con-
cerning trade, arbitration aspects, development and trends
in international business law
Format: The course is a self-study course which is integral
with the courses "New Trends in Electronic Commerce Law:
E-marketplaces and Electronic Trading Systems, Negotiability
of Rights and Instruments", and "Law and the Internet" in the
area of International Commercial Law.
Assessment: Written exam (the course New Trends in Elec-
tronic Commerce Lawentails essays and/or practical exercises
such as analyzing and drafting of legal instruments).
The Åbo Akademi University website provides information
about examination dates for law courses in English. Åbo
Akademi students should register to exams via the MinPlan
database one week before the exam. Also English-speaking
Åbo Akademi students may register to exams at MinPlan.
Students that have not registered/cannot register to exams
through MinPlan, should e-mail
one week
before the exam.
Grading scale: 1-5
Murray, Carole et al: Schmitthoff's Export Trade. 12th Edition.
London: Sweet &Maxwell 2012. ISBN978-0-414-04607-8. (N.B.
The previous 11th edition can be read instead if the newer
one is not available. London: Sweet and Maxwell 2007. ISBN
The following chapters shall be read: 1 (Introduction), 2 (Trade
Terms), 3 (Formation of Contract), 4 (Performance), 5 (Accept-
ance and Rejection), 6 (Frustration), 9 (Bills of Exchange), 10
(Collection), 11 (Letters of Credit), 12 (Contract Guarantees),
13 (Factoring etc),) 21 (English Law and Foreign Law), 22
Bernstein, H. - Lookofsky, J: Understanding the CISG. 4th
(Worldwide Edition). The Hague: Kluwer Law International
2012. ISBN 978-90-41138200.
Incoterms 2010.
Please note! Registration required: lawcourseregistration@
abo.fi. For more information, please contact Paula Klami-
Wetterstein (
Jurisdiction and Conflict of Laws
5 credits
Intermediate level
Lectured course
Offered: Spring 2015
Responsible person: Prof. Peter Wetterstein
Aim: The course deals with central issues concerning the
jurisdiction of courts and the choice of applicable law in
international relations. Focus is mainly on the development
within the European Union, i.e., the Brussels I-Regulation on
jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and
commercial matters and the Regulations on the lawapplicable
to contractual and non-contractual obligations (Rome I and
II). Also international arbitration will be discussed.
Content: EU law and international conventions
Learning outcomes:
After having completed this course, you should be able to
recognise the legal problems arising from international rela-
tions, explain the legal norms governing international arbitra-
tion and list the main legal rules and principles concerning
the jurisdiction of courts and the choice of applicable law in
international relations - with particular focus on the so called
Brussels I Regulation (Council RegulationNo 44/2001 on juris-
diction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments
in civil and commercial matters), as well as the Regulations
on the law applicable to contractual and non-contrac¬¬tual
obligations (Rome I and II). You are also expected to be able
to review the measures taken to promote the harmonisation
of rules governing jurisdiction and applicable law and discuss
the future trends in this area. Furthermore, you should be able
to apply your theoretical knowledge gained in the course of
lectures and self-studies to practical situations.
Entry requirements: Basic studies in commercial and private
Assessment: Written examination
Grading scale: 1-5
Literature: Handouts
Please note: The number of participants is limited to 30 stu-
dents. Registration required:
Formore information, please contact Paula Klami-Wetterstein