Study in English 2014-2015 - page 82

Åbo Akademi University 2014/2015
Introduction to research methods in organic
3 credits
Intermediate level
Seminars and laboratory exercises
Offered: Upon agreement
Lecturer(s): Reko Leino
Contents: Introduction to researchmethods in organic chem-
istry by participation in an ongoing research project.
Prerequisites: Organic Chemistry II (NatVet), Organic Chem-
istry II (KT) or equivalent studies.
Form of assessment: Practical laboratory work and research
The history of chemistry
2 credits
Basic/Intermediate/Advanced level
Self-study course
Offered: Upon agreement
Contact: Reko Leino
Aim(s): To introduce the natural sciences and especially the
development of chemistry.
Contents: Literature.
Form of assessment: Examination
Course literature: The History of Chemistry, J. Hudson, McMil-
lan, 1992
Physical Chemistry
Themain research area of the Laboratory of Physical Chemistry
is surface and colloid (nano) chemistry, with a strong focus on
materials science. The aim is to accumulate a molecular un-
derstanding of processes related to these fi elds, and to apply
this knowledge in biotechnology, pulp and paper technology,
as well as in the design of functional materials. Currently the
research at the department is focused on five broad areas:
Surface science and interfacial phenomena
Pharmaceutical materials for cellular targeting and drug
Printed functionality: sensors, electronics, energy solu-
Quantum chemistry and molecular modeling
The broad spectrumof activities shows that students ca ben-
efit from a thorough theoretical and practical education at
the department. The degrees from the department are highly
appreciated by employers. Basic and intermediate level Physi-
cal Chemistry courses are taught in Swedish (for Bachelor's
degree). However, for the Master's degree all advanced level
courses including laboratory courses are every year off ered
and supervised in English. Laboratory practice can also be
arranged within research groups. Physical Chemistry can be
chosen as major subject in Natural Sciences and Chemical
Engineering at all levels (BSc, MSc, PhD). Formore information
see Physical Chemistry web page under Department of Natu-
ral Sciences. See alsoMaster's Degree Programme in Chemical
Engineering ("Two-year Master's Degree Programmes" in this
book or web page).
Technical surface and colloid chemistry
263115.1 and 263115.2
5 credits
Intermediate (advanced) level
Lectures and laboratory work
Off ered: Autumn 2014
Lecturer: Jouko Peltonen
Aim: To give students an introduction to surface chemistry
in interfacial systems and to colloid chemistry in dispersed
Prerequisites: Physical chemistry I, II and laboratory course A,
or equivalent courses.
Contents: This course is for MSc-students in the field of (physi-
cal) chemistry and consists of lectures and examination. (The
2nd part is connected lab work.) In this course the students
are acquainted with the terminology and the methods of
surface and colloid chemistry. The course deals with the
physico-chemical properties of interfaces, the concepts of
surface tension, adsorption, wetting as well as the colloidal
state and its stability.
Literature: Shaw, D.J.: Introduction to Colloid and Surface
Chemistry, Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007.
Colloidal sol-gel processing of (nano) materials
5 credits
Advanced level
Lectures and seminars
Off ered: Autumn 2014
Lecturers: Jan-Henrik Smått and Pia Sjöberg
Aim: To provide insight into the sol-gel technology, 'bot-
tomup' synthesis andprocessingof nanomaterials both froma
molecular and colloidal point of view. Emphasis is put onmet-
al-oxide-basednanomaterials regardingboth characterisation
and selected applications. To supply the student with under-
standing of the reaction-structure relationship andwith tools
for tuning the material properties.
Contents: This course is for MSc and PhD-students in chem-
istry. It deals with the thermodynamic foundation of surface
chemistry, disperse systems - their (molecular) interactions,
phenomena and size classes. The course covers the Sol-(Gel)
defi nition(s) and relates the SG-chemistry to the fi nal particle
structure. Basic analytical approaches for valid material char-
acterisation are taught.
Prerequisites: Technical surface and colloid chemistry, or other
equivalent courses.
Brinker, C.J. and Scherer, G.W.: Sol-Gel Science, Academic
Press, 1990
Quantum chemistry I
8 credits
Advanced level
Lectures and exercises
Offered: Autumn 2014
Lecturer: NN
Aim: Introduction to themathematical formalismof quantum
mechanics and to the quantum chemistry of many-electron
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of molecular modeling and
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