
Last updated: 29 April 2009.

29 April 2009

After a long hiatus, a bugfix release is in preparation.

3 Jun 2005

Immediately after we noticed problem with NVidia driver version 7174 NVidia published version 7664, which works. However, on a tested Quadro4 system the side-by-side stereo modes were very slow, when hardware stereo support was enabled. Side-by-side performance is good if hardware stereo support is disabled. Then again, if the system can support hardware stereo, then that mode is probably preferred by most users.

Update to version 7664 is thus recommended for Quadro-based Linux-systems.

2 Jun 2005

The combination of Linux kernel (version 2.6.10 or 2.6.11) and NVidia OpenGL driver (7174) on Fedora Core 3 Linux system will crash Bodil when a large molecule is viewed with 3D graphics. The problem is not limited to Bodil - other graphical programs have shown similar symptoms. An error message 'glibc detected double free or corruption' may occur with the crash. This error has been noticed only on hardware stereo capable systems (Quadro4 and Quadro FX).

22 Apr 2005

Bodil 0.8.1 available for download.

New web pages.

16 Dec 2004

Bibliographic reference to the Bodil paper added on the about page.

8 Apr 2004

Bodil 0.8 available for download.