Page 25 - Åbo Akademi University brochure 2024-2025
P. 25
FACULty oF soCiAL sCienCes, bUsiness And eConomiCs, And LAw
Law and
Human Rights
Master of International and Comparative Law
The programme offers students the or medium-size groups of 15-30 stu-
possibility to profile themselves in dents. Student learning is enhanced
different specialisation areas, such through an encouraging and suppor-
as international human rights law, mi- tive learning environment and close
gration and refugee law, international student-teacher interaction. Courses
law and conflicts, and general inter- within the programme make use of a
national law. Studies within the pro- broad range of teaching methods.
gramme equip students with expert
knowledge, provide the requisite
background for advanced research, Career
and develop the practical application Graduates of the programme find
skills. Students who have successfully employment in public institutions, in-
completed the full-time study pro- ternational organisations, national or
gramme will be awarded a Master of international non-governmental or-
International and Comparative Law ganisations, academia, legal practice
degree. and increasingly also in the private
sector where, for instance, corporate
The programme is made up of social responsibility receives increas-
courses and seminars offered to small ing attention.