Page 30 - Åbo Akademi University brochure 2024-2025
P. 30
I am Chang Zhang, 33 years old, and ditional Chinese Medicine (FJUTCM), Finnish education is of high quality.
I come from China. I came to Vaasa, since the university had a collabora- Moreover, one of the best parts of
Finland, in the year 2008 to complete tion with Novia UAS in Finland. I stud- Finland is the stunning nature. I enjoy
my studies in nursing. Now I have ied one year at FJUTCM and com- skiing in the winter and jogging in the
been working as a registered nurse pleted my degree in Vaasa. summer. The possibility to get a good
at Vaasa Central Hospital in Finland work-life balance is also attractive for
for more than 11 years alongside my I applied to APN because I wanted to families with children. To have the
studies in Advanced Practice Nursing get advanced clinical competencies, possibility to learn both Finnish and
(APN). to better provide health care service Swedish in the same city is like to kill
to the aging society. I hope that I can two birds with one stone, that’s just
Already in high school, I had a pas- contribute to that care can be more amazing.
sion for languages and different cul- person-centered and cost-effective in
tures. My student counsellor advised the future.
me to apply to Fujian University of Tra-