Page 21 - Åbo Akademi University brochure 2024-2025
P. 21
Student Experiences
I am Nicolás Restrepo Torres and I even more important than listening I could find and also one that also
come from Colombia. to a particular genre itself that I enjoy, kept the technical stuff relevant in the
I think that this says something about courses. I also liked that the market-
How did you come the country itself, because there is ing of the programme was more than
an openness upon listening to music
just information about the studies,
up with the idea to that has been labeled as “extreme”. because a master program is more
study in Finland? than just a simple gathering of know-
ledge, but rather a compilation of ex-
Nordic countries have always been Why did you periences that contributes to the big
my personal perception of a nice choose EDISS? picture of one’s life.
place to live, I have always been curi-
ous about such societies that seem to Back in Colombia, the opportunities
have a strong societal system and that to work in international environments Why should one
care for their citizens, compensated are not so common and I really look study in Finland?
with the fact that there are high taxes, forward to avoid the feeling of stag-
clearly. This is especially inte resting nation. Therefore, EMJMD programs I really like that the efforts that have
adding factors as politics and ex- were a way to accomplish this, I been made in Finland to create an
treme climates. In addition, in a more wanted to develop myself by doing educational system that is robust and
stereotypical perception, I was fond the next step in my education (my reliable for the students.
of knowing in more depth some of prevoius education is B.Sc. Com-
the material culture of the country puter Systems Engineering). EDISS
and the identity such as the metal cul- was one of the most ambitious pro-
ture. This is because in my opinion, grams in terms of curriculum that Continues...