Page 17 - Åbo Akademi University brochure 2024-2025
P. 17
FACULty oF sCienCe And enGineerinG
Computer Engineering (Turku), Master of Science (Technology)
Computer Engineering (Vasa), Master of Science (Technology)
Computer Science (Turku), Master of Science
Studies Depending on their chosen area of
Structured to accommodate the specialization, students will graduate
broad range of skills required to suc- with a Master of Science degree in
ceed in the IT industry, students of Computer Science or a Master of Sci-
this programme will also be given ence (Technology) degree in Com-
the choice to specialize in one of two puter Engineering with a specializa-
given areas: tion in Software Engineering.
Computer Science: with a special
emphasis on computational mod- Career
eling, computational data analytics, As one of ÅAU:s most diverse pro-
and formal methods for safety-critical grammes, past students of this pro-
distributed systems. Computer Sci- gramme are currently employed in a
ence is offered in Turku. vast array of different disciplines. Just
some of the roles achieved by our
Computer Engineering: with a spe- students include: CTO (Chief Techno-
cial emphasis on engineering of soft- logy Officer), Senior R&D Engineer,
ware intensive systems, with a focus Lead Developer, Security Expert and
on cloud computing, the industrial System Designer. As well as other key
internet, safety-critical and autonom- areas including project management
ous systems. Computer Engineering and advisory roles, many of our stu-
is offered in Turku and Vaasa. dents have also used the programme
as a springboard for further study and
research in their chosen field.