The programme in English:
The Peda-forum seminar is organised partly at the same time and in cooperation with the Nordic Career Network Conference. Thanks to this we can offer a better choice of worskhops and lectures, also in English. The events that are open to the Peda-forum participants are included in the programme on this web site.On this page you will find information about the events which are in English during the Peda-forum seminar.
For the complete programme, see the Finnish website.
Programme Wednesday 21 May 2008
Venue: ICT building, Joukahaisenkatu 3-5, Turku
Time | Event | Venue |
09:00 - 10:00 | Registration and coffee | ICT building, entrance hall |
10:00 - 11:45 | Programme in Finnish | ICT building, auditorium Alpha |
11:45 - 13:00 | Lunch | Restaurants in the Campus area |
13:00 - 14:30 | Workshops I | To be announced later |
14:30 - 15:00 | Coffee | ICT building, entrance hall |
15:00 - 16:30 | Workshops II | To be announced later |
19:00 alkaen | Evening programme | Turku School of Economics, Mercatori |
Programme Thursday 22 May 2008
Venue: ICT building, Joukahaisenkatu 3-5, Turku
Time | Event | Venue |
08:00-09:00 | Registration and coffee | ICT building, entrance hall |
09:00 - 09:45 | How a university teacher can support
the development of expertise of a student? Professor Hans Gruber, University of Regensburg, Germany |
ICT building, auditorium Alpha |
10.00 - 11:30 | New approaches to guidance and
counselling in the changing society * Doctor Peter Plant, Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsskole, Guidance Research Unit |
ICT building |
11:30 - 13:00 | Lunch and poster session | Restaurants in the Campus area |
13:00-14:30 | Workshops
III OR Lecture: Why does guidance matter for higher education - strategic design and implementation of guidance provision? * Project Manager Raimo Vuorinen, University of Jyväskylä, Institute for educational research |
To be announced later |
14:30 | Coffee | ICT building |
14:45 - 15:30 | Programme in Finnish |
ICT building, auditorium Alpha |
* Lectures organised within the framework of the Nordic Career
Networks Conference.
Workshops I and II Wednesday 21 May, 13.00-14.30 and15.00-16.30
Workshop KE09 will be held at 13.00 as well as at 15.00, whereas workshop KE04 will be held only at 13.00 and KE15 only at 15.00.
For complete list of workshops, see the Finnish website.
Improving international communication and understanding - students as
teachers in multicultural groups Docent Michael Berry, Turku School of Economics, Language department; lecturer Jane Honka, University of Turku, Language Center Pedagogical development comes with creative use of neglected resources. The theme in this workshop is related to academic mobility, with multiple intercultural opportunities for developing ‘local internationalization’. Local and exchange students represent cultural resources who can learn from each other if the teacher operates as an observing- participant learner. Unfortunately, exchange and local students often float past each other rather than being brought together to get their feet on the ground and dig together into the taken-for-granted cultural presumptions hidden in their cultural ways of acting and communicating. Regardless of the university and country, exchange students often return home with negative stereotypes rather than better understanding of self and the locals. After they have left, once again, the local students had no opportunity to experience more than a ‘floating past’ intercultural experience. The goal of this workshop is to discuss better ways to take full advantage of international exchange programs. Working methods: Presentation, discussion, group work, discussion. KE09
Professional Project Management as a
Theoretical Model and Its Applications in University Teaching Working in projects is becoming more and more common in all fields, especially in jobs where an academic education is required. Especially in the beginning of their career, newly graduated often apply for jobs, in which overall project management is important. We present a theoretical project cycle, which is characteristic for all kinds of projects. In addition to that, we will give examples of how this theoretical model is applied to teaching in different fields and on different levels. The workshop is aimed at teachers and educational developers. Working methods: conversational lecture.
International Learning and Teaching Environment is challenging for teachers and students alike. Also Study Affairs Administration on different levels are involved in the process. The University of Helsinki has published online guide to support teaching in a foreign language. This has been made in cooperation with different interest groups. In this session also experiences from an English-taught Master's programme are benchmarked. The is intended for teachers and administrative staff. Työskentelymuodot:
alustukset, keskustelu. Session puheenjohtaja kertoo lyhyesti
lomassa myös SVYn AOR4 toiminnasta sekä kuvaa yhteistyötä AOR3:n kanssa.
Lecture and Workshops III Thursday 22 May, 13.00-14.30For complete list of worshops, see the
Finnish website.
International curriculum design - grass
root level experience The purpose of the workshop is to view international curriculum design through authentic examples and experiences. The workshop is aimed both at those who already have some experience in international curriculum design and those contemplating the possibilities of cooperation. The workshop begins with a short introduction of a project on developing quality assurance of higher education curriculum planning in Finland and Russia. The group work includes an exercise on developing an international curriculum from existing Finnish and Russian components. The workshop ends with a presentation by Tarja Hyppönen. She will comment the group work and briefly present her experiences in international curriculum design, from the point of view of a programme coordinator. Working methods: presentations
and group
work. TO03
Second Life in Teaching and Learning
Second Lief (SL) is
a three-dimensional world, which is entirely constructed by its users
and thus reflects the interests, creativity and imagination by its
users. In this workshop we will familiarize ourselves with Second Life
and the possibilities this virtual world offers for teaching purposes.
The workshop is intended for anybody interested in how Second Life can
be used in teaching. Working methods: conversational lecture, group work, hands on-practice .