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Working Group 3

Characterization and fate of process residues

The ultimate aim of a Biorefinery is to utilize 100% of the feed material. However, this may yet be difficult to achieve in practice and there will hence be a varying amount of process residues. Such residues may originate from process chemicals, inorganic compounds, or high-molar-mass natural polymers that have undergone chemical reactions during the processing which have rendered them unsuitable for further processing. The sampling, pretreatment, characterization, and fate of these process residues will be challenging but necessary to achieve the ultimate goal of total utilisation of the feed material. The utilisation of such residues for bioenergy (i.e. burning the residues) places high demands on a thorough characterization and deep understanding of the material to be able to avoid problems of corrosion, fouling, and low performance.

Last Update: February 3:d by Anders Strand