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Working Group 1

Biorefinery feed material sampling and characterization

The feed material of a Biorefinery may cover a wide range depending on the source; from forest to agroindustry and from fresh plants to industrial waste or recycled fibres. Therefore, necessary pretreatments will be evaluated and standardised. Comparison of isolation methods, and evaluation of their advantages and disadvantages, including the representativeness of the obtained sample, will hence be part of the Action. The isolation and analysis of specific compounds are also critical steps to understand the process chemistry.

The isolation and analysis of intact polymers is a challenge for the Biorefineries. Plant polysaccharides or lignin can be the starting material for advanced natural materials or a potential source for sustainable bioenergy production. The molar mass, polymer structure, physico-chemical properties, as well as the molecular building blocks are critical factors offering analytical challenges. Inorganic compounds may be a problem especially in Biorefineries using feed material from the agroindustry. Their analysis is critical for the outcome of the process or to control the quality of, e.g. biofuels. Extractives represent an interesting source of bioactive compounds, specialty chemicals, and biofuels, where the analytical methods also are extremely challenging.

Last Update: November 28:th by Anders Strand