
Institutum Judaicum Aboense

Åbo Akademi

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Academic Network
"Rewritten Bible"

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Encounters of the Children of Abraham from Ancient to Modern Times

An academic network was established at the international symposium “The Children of Abraham” organized by Åbo Akademi University in Turku, Finland, on 29.9. - 2.10. 2005. (See photos.) The network is intended to advance diverse scholarly projects and interests concerned with the three monotheistic religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam from ancient to modern times. The network aims to share information about research in this area and to help scholars with similar research interests to find each other. It is particularly useful when new congresses or symposia or joint research project are being planned. The emphasis in the network is in the possibilities of peaceful encounters between these three religions.
    The network works under the auspices of Åbo Akademi University, and is administered by Prof. Antti Laato and Dr. Pekka Lindqvist.
The network has a steering committee. Participants and subscribers to the network have no obligations at all. In addition within the framework of the network there will be scholarly symposia focused on special issues relevant to interfaith dialog between the Children of Abraham.

An informal round table discussion was held during the conference "Religion on the Borders: New Challenges in the Academic Study of Religion in Stockholm, in April 2007. As a fruit of the discussions a web-forum for easier contacts between scholars was established and is at the moment experimented by the users. The forum is closed and moderated. Those wanting to participate, should contact professor Antti Laato (antti.laato(at)abo.fi).


A volume with a selection of the papers presented in the first workshop in Turku, expanded with numerous other contributions, will be published in a forthcoming volume "Encounters of the Children of Abraham from Ancient to Modern Times" (E.J.Brill. Leiden).

Institutum Judaicum Aboense, Biskopsgatan 16, FIN-20500 ÅBO, Finland. tfn Åbo Akademi +358 (2) 215 31. E-post: fornamn.efternamn@abo.fi. Sidadministratör: Pekka Lindqvist