Sohel Shakwat, PhD student

Contact details

Phone: +358 401828224

Fax: +358-2-251 7013

E-mail: ssohel(at)

Postal address:

Environmental and Marine Biology

Åbo Akademi University

Artillerigatan 6

FI-20520 ÅBO


Room: 2030, Biocity, 2nd floor

Research Interests

Due to anthropogenic pressure the effects of eutrophication and turbidity are substantial in the coastal area. Algal turbidity changes the community structure of aquatic organisms but its level depends on the degree and level of turbidity. My general research interest focuses on understanding the mechanism, how algal turbidity affects the foraging success of fish. I am using three spine stickleback as my model species and more specifically my study highlights on the effects of algal turbidity on sticklebacks prey choice decision (both numeric effects and quality effects) , efficiency of finding food patches following ideal free distribution prediction, individual as well as group boldness attitude against predators and social interactions using different cues then visual cues.

Research Approach

I'm using an empirical approach, and conduct small mesocosm experiments in the lab in order to investigate my study questions, testing the behavior of sticklebacks in clear and turbid conditions.

List of publications

  • M. J. Ajemian., S. Sohel., J. Mattila. 2015 Effects of turbidity and habitat complexity on antipredator behaviour of three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Environmental biology of fishes. 98, 45-55

  • S. Sohel., K. Lindström. Disruption of social foraging in turbid water. (Submitted)

  • S. Sohel., J. Mattila., K. Lindström. Effects of turbidity on prey choice of three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). (Submitted)

  • S. Sohel., K. Lindström. Algal turbidity alters the foraging performance and social interactions of three-spine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) (Manuscript in prep.)

  • S. Sohel. K. Lindström. 2015 Algal turbidity reduces risk assesment ability of the three-spined stickleback. Ethology. 121, 548-555

Conferences and symposiums

  • December 2011: ARONIA-MM seminar, Turku, Finalnd. S.Sohel (Talk) presented

  • April 2009: Symposium in Ecology, Biological Diversity, Genetics, Environmental and Marine Biology, Turku, Finland. S.Sohel (Talk) presented

  • March 2008: 5th Ecology and Behaviour Meeting, Leon, France. S.Sohel (Talk) presented

  • April 2008: Symposium in Ecology, Biological Diversity, Genetics, Environmental and Marine Biology, Turku, Finland. S.Sohel (Talk) presented

Professional Posters

  • S. Sohel., T. Kopcsanyi, J. Blyth., K. Lindström. Disruption of social foraging in turbid water (2011). Presented at: 10th Finnish Conference of Environmental Science, 5-6 May 2011, Turku, Finland. View poster as PDF