List of recent publications
- S. Sohel., K. Lindström. 2015 Algal turbidity reduces risk assesment ability of the three-spined stickleback., Ethology. 121, 548-555
- M. J. Ajemian., S. Sohel., J. Mattila. 2015 Effects of turbidity and habitat complexity on antipredator behaviour of three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Environmental biology of fishes. 98, 45-55
- Kvarnemo, C. 2014: Sexual selection. Oxford Bibliographies Online: Evolutionary Biology. doi: 10.1093/9780199941728-0029
- Dimitrova, M.& Merilaita, S. 2014: Hide and seek: properties of prey and background patterns affect prey detection by blue tits. Behavioral Ecology 25: 402-408
- Sundin, J., Sagebakken, G. & Kvarnemo, C. 2013: Female mate choice is not affected by mate condition in a fish with male care. Acta Ethologica 16: 189-194. doi:10.1007/s10211-013-0149-1
- Kvarnemo, C. & Simmons, LW. 2013: Polyandry as a mediator of sexual selectionbefore and after mating. Philosophical Transctions of the Royal Society B 368: 20120042.
- Merilaita, S., Schaefer, H.M. & Dimitrova, M. 2013: What is camouflage through distractive markings? – Behavioral Ecology 24: e1272-e1273.
- Kjernsmo, K. & Merilaita, S. 2013: Eyespots divert attacks by fish Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280: 20131458,
- Kvarnemo, L. & Simmons, L. W. 2013. Polyandry as a mediator of sexual selectionbefore and after mating. Phil. Trans. R. Soc B 368: 20120042. (doi: 10.1098/rstb.2012.0042)
- Karpestam, E., Merilaita, S. & Forsman, A. 2013. Detection experiments with humans implicate visual predation as a driver of colour polymorphism dynamics in pygmy grasshoppers. BMC Ecology 13: 17
- Patrik Karell, Jon E. Brommer, Kari Ahola & Teuvo Karstinen. 2013. Brown tawny owls moult more flight feathers than grey ones. Journal of Avian Biology, 44:235-244. doi:10.1111/j.1600-048X.2012.05868.x
- Kelley, J. L., Fitzpatrick, J. L. & Merilaita, S. 2013. Spots and stripes: ecology and colour pattern evolution in butterflyfishes. Proc. R. Soc. B 280, 20122730 (doi: 10.1098/rspb.2012.2730)
- Karpestam, E., Merilaita, S. & Forsman, A. 2012: Reduced predation risk for melanistic pygmy grasshoppers in post-fire environments. Ecology and Evolution 2(9):2204-2212. doi:10.1002/ece3.338
- Takegaki, T., Svensson, O. & C Kvarnemo (2012). Socially induced tactic change in 2 types of sand goby sneaker males. Behavioral Ecology 23: 742-750. doi:10.1093/beheco/ars022
- Björk, JR & C Kvarnemo (2012). Mechanisms behind size-assortative nest choice by sand goby males in absence of intrasexual competition. Animal Behaviour 83: 55-62. doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2011.09.033
- Kjernsmo, K. & Merilaita, S. 2012: Background choice as an anti-predator strategy: the roles of background matching and visual complexity in the habitat choice of the least killifish. Proceedings of the Royal Society B (2012) 279, 4192-4198, doi:10.1098/rspb.2012.1547
- Johan Ekroos, Markus Öst, Patrik Karell, Kim Jaatinen & Mikael Kilpi. 2012. Philopatric predisposition to predation-induced ecological traps: habitat-dependent mortality of breeding eiders. Oecologia. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-012-2378-9
- Dimitrova, M. & Merilaita, S. 2012: Prey pattern regularity and background complexity affect detectability of background-matching prey. Behavioral Ecology, 23: 384-390
- Bohlin, T., Gamberale-Stille, G., Merilaita, S., Exnerová, A., Štys, P., Tullberg, B.S. 2012: The detectability of the colour pattern in the aposematic firebug, Pyrrhocoris apterus: an image-based experiment with human ‘predators'. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 105: 806-816, DOI: 10.1111/j.1095-8312.2011.01834.x
- Kvarnemo, C (2011). Stressed singers and symmetric lovers. Behavioral Ecology 22: 11-12. doi: 10.1093/beheco/arq082
- Kvarnemo, C, Mobley, KB, Partridge, C, Jones, AG & I Ahnesjö (2011). Evidence of paternal nutrient provisioning to embryos in the pipefish Syngnathus typhle. Journal of Fish Biology 78: 1725-1737. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2011.02989.x
- Mobley, KB, Kvarnemo, C, Ahnesjö, I, Partridge, C, Berglund, A & AG Jones (2011). The effect of maternal body size on embryo survivorship in the broods of pregnant male pipefish. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 65: 1169-1177. doi:10.1007/s00265-010-1129-3
- Braga Goncalves, I, Ahnesjö, I & C Kvarnemo (2011). The relationship between female body size and egg size in pipefishes. Journal of Fish Biology 78: 1847-1854. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2011.02984.x
- ärvi-Laturi, M, Lindström, K, Kvarnemo, C & O Svensson (2011). Alternative mating tactics under high risk of egg predation. Journal of Zoology 2011: 1-7. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.2011.00788.x
- Sagebakken, G, Ahnesjö I & I Braga Gonçalves & C Kvarnemo (2011). Multiply-mated males show higher embryo survival in a paternally caring fish. Behavioral Ecology 22: 625-629. doi:10.1093/beheco/arr023
- Gamberale-Stille, G.,Balogh, A.C.V., Tullberg, B.S. & Leimar, O. 2011. Feature saltation and the evolution of mimicry. Evolution 66: 807-817.
- Merilaita, S., Vallin, A., Kodandaramaiah, U., Dimitrova, M., Ruuskanen, S. & Laaksonen T. 2011: Number of eyespots and their intimidating effect on naive predators in the peacock butterfly. Behavioral Ecology, 22: 1326-1331
- Vallin, A., Dimitrova, M., Kodandaramaiah, U. & Merilaita, S. 2011: Deflective effect and the effect of prey detectability on antipredator function of eyespots. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 65: 1629-1636
- Jennifer E Blyth & Andre S Gilburn 2011: The function of female behaviours adopted during pre-mating struggles in the seaweed fly, Coelopa frigida Animal Behaviour 81:77-82
- Lehtonen T, Wong BBM, Lindström K, Meyer A.2011: Species divergence and seasonal success in rates of mate desertion in closely related Neotropical cichlid fishes. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 65: 607-612. DOI: 10.1007/s00265-010-1061-6.
- Järvi-Laturi M, Lindström K, Kvarnemo C, Svensson O. 2011: Sand goby males trade off between defence against egg predators and sneak intrusions. Journal of Zoology 283:269-275. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-7998.2011.00788.x
- Stevens, M. & Merilaita, S. 2011: Animal camouflage: an introduction. In: Animal Camouflage: Mechanisms and Function, Ed. Stevens, M. & Merilaita, S., Cambridge University Press.
- Karell, P., Ahola, K., Karstinen, T., Kolunen, H., Siitari, H. & Brommer, J.E. 2011 Blood parasites mediate morph-specific maintenance costs in a colour polymorphic wild bird. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 24: 1783-92.
- Karell, P., Ahola, K., Karstinen, T., Valkama, J. & Brommer, J.E. 2011 Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird. Nature Communications, 2: 208 / ncomms1213.
- Kvarnemo, C (2010). Parental care. In: Evolutionary Behavioral Ecology (Eds D F Westneat & C W Fox). Oxford University Press, New York.
- Kvarnemo, C, Svensson, O & W Manson (2010). Investment in testes, sperm duct glands and lipid reserves differs between male morphs but not between early and late breeding season in Pomatoschistus minutus. Journal of Fish Biology 76: 1609-1625. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2010.02587.x
- Braga Goncalves, I, Mobley, KB, Ahnesjö, I, Sagebakken, G, Jones AG & C Kvarnemo (2010). Reproductive compensation in broad-nosed pipefish females. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 277: 1581-1589. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2009.2290
- Sagebakken, G, Ahnesjö, I, Mobley, KB, Braga Goncalves I & C Kvarnemo (2010). Brooding fathers, not siblings, take up nutrients from embryos. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 277: 971-977. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2009.1767
- Dimitrova, M. & Merilaita, S. 2010: Prey concealment: visual background complexity and prey contrast distribution. - Behavioral Ecology 21: 176-181.
- Merilaita S. 2010: Applying artificial neural networks to the study of prey colouration. In: Modelling Perception in Artificial Neural Networks. Ed. Tosh, C.R. & Ruxton, G.D., Pp. 215-235. Cambridge University Press.
- Klug H, Lindström K, Kokko H. 2010: Who to include in measures of sexual selection is no trivial matter. Ecology Letters, 13: 1094-1102. DOI: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2010.01495.x
- Ala-Honkola O, Säilä L, Lindström K. 2010: Males prefer small females in a poeciliid fish. Ethology, 116: 736-743. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0310.2010.01789.x
- Ala-Honkola O, Tuominen L, Lindström K. 2010: Inbreeding avoidance in a poeciliid fish (Heterandria formosa): depends where you look. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 64: 1403-1414. DOI: 10.1007/s00265-010-0955-7
- Saaristo M, Craft JA, Lehtonen KK, Lindström K. 2010: An endocrine disrupting chemical changes courtship and parental care in the sand goby. Aquatic Toxicology, 97:285-292.
- Saaristo M, Craft JA, Lehtonen KK, Lindström K. 2010: Exposure to 17?-ethinyl estradiol impairs courtship and aggressive behaviour of male sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus). Chemosphere, 79: 541-546. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2010.02.019
- Lehtonen TK, Wong BBM and Lindström K. 2010: Fluctuating mate preferences in a marine fish. Biology Letters 6:21-23. DOI:10.1098/rsbl.2009.0558
- Balogh, A.C.V., Gamberale-Stille, G., Tullberg, B.S. & Leimar, O. 2010: Feature theory and the two-step hypothesis of Müllerian mimicry evolution. Evolution 64, 810-822.
- Karell, P., Lehtosalo, N., Pietiäinen, H. & Brommer, J.E. 2010. Ural owl predation on field and bank voles by size, sex and reproductive state. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 47: 90-98.
- Kontiainen P., Pietiäinen, H., Karell, P., Pihlaja, T. & Brommer, J.E. 2010. Hatching asynchrony is an individual property of female Ural owls which improves nestling survival. Behavioral Ecology, 21: 722–729.
- Brommer, J.E., Pietiäinen, H., Ahola, K., Karell, P., Karstinen, T. & Kolunen, H. 2010. The return of the vole cycle in southern Finland refutes the generality of the loss of cycles through “climatic forcing”. Global Change Biology, 78: 577-586.
- Kvarnemo, C (2009). Sex hos djur. In: Djuren och människan - Om den moderna biologin och dess världsbild. (Ed LJ Erkell). Studentlitteratur, Lund.
- Kvarnemo, C, Lindenfors, P, Ah-King, M & I Ahnesjö (2009). Gender perspectives on the development of sexual selection theory. ISBE newsletter 21: 11-12.
- Olsson, K H, Kvarnemo, C & O Svensson (2009). Relative costs of courtship behaviours in nest-building sand gobies. Animal Behaviour 77: 541-546. doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2008.10.021
- Partridge, C, Ahnesjö, I, Kvarnemo, C, Mobley, KB, Berglund, A & AG Jones (2009). The effect of perceived female parasite load on postcopulatory male choice in a sex-role-reversed pipefish. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63: 345-454. doi: 10.1007/s00265-008-0668-3
- Gotthard, K., Berger, D., Bergman, M. & Merilaita, S. 2009: The evolution of alternative morphs: density-dependent determination of larval colour dimorphism in a butterfly. - Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 98: 256-266.
- Dimitrova, M., Stobbe, N., Schaefer, H.M. & Merilaita, S. 2009: Concealed by conspicuousness: distractive prey markings and backgrounds. - Proceedings of the Royal Society B 276: 1905-1910.
- Stobbe, N., Dimitrova, M., Merilaita, S. & Schaefer, H.M. 2009: Chromaticity in the UV/blue range facilitates the search for achromatically background-matching prey in birds. - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 364: 511-517.
- Stevens, M. & Merilaita, S. 2009: Defining disruptive coloration and distinguishing its functions. - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 364: 481-488.
- Stevens, M. & Merilaita, S. 2009: Animal camouflage: current issues and new perspectives. - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 364: 423-427.
- Merilaita, S. & Ruxton, G.D. 2009: Optimal apostatic selection: how should predators adjust to variation in prey frequencies? - Animal Behaviour 77: 239-245.
- Saaristo M, Craft JA, Lehtonen KK, Lindström K. 2009:. Sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus) males exposed to an endocrine disrupting chemical fail in nest and mate competition. Hormones and Behaviour 56:315-321. DOI:10.1016/j.yhbeh.2009.06.010
- Wong BBM, Järvenpää M. and Lindström K. 2009: Risk-sensitive mating decisions in a visually-compromised environment Biology Letters 5: 600-602. DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2009.0350.
- Chin-Baarstad A, Klug K and Lindström K. 2009: Should you eat your offspring before someone else does? Effect of an egg predator on filial cannibalism in the sand goby. Animal Behaviour 78:203-208. DOI: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2009.04.022
- Ala-Honkola O, Uddström A, Diaz B, and Lindström K. 2009: Strong inbreeding depression in male mating behaviour in a Poeciliid fish. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22:1396-1406. DOI: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2009.01765.x.
- Saaristo M, Craft JA, Lehtonen KK, Björk H and Lindström K. 2009: Disruption of sexual selection in sand gobies (Pomatoschistus minutus) by 17?-ethinyl estradiol, an endocrine disruptor. Hormones and Behaviour, 55:530-537.
- Lehtonen TK and Lindström K 2009: Females decide whether size matters: plastic mate preferences tuned to the intensity of male-male competition. Behavioral Ecology 20:195-199.
- Bergvall, U.A. & Balogh, A.C.V. 2009: Consummatory simultaneous positive and negative contrast in fallow deer: Implications for selectivity. Mammalian Biology 74, 236-239.
- Karell, P., Ahola, K., Karstinen, T., Zolei, A. & Brommer, J.E. 2009. Population dynamics in a cyclic environment: Consequences of cyclic food abundance on tawny owl reproduction and survival. Journal of Animal Ecology, 78: 150-162
- Karell, P., Pietiäinen, H., Siitari, H., Pihlaja, T., Kontiainen, P. & Brommer, J.E. 2009. Parental allocation of additional food to own health and offspring growth in a variable environment. Canadian Journal of Zoology 87: 8-19.
- Kontiainen, P., Pietiäinen, H., Huttunen, K., Karell, P., Kolunen, H., Brommer, J.E. 2009. Aggressive Ural owl mothers recruit more offspring. Behavioral Ecology, 20: 789-796.
- Ahnesjö, I, Forsgren, E & C Kvarnemo (2008).+ Variation in sexual selection in fishes. In: Fish Behaviour (Eds Magnhagen, C, Braithwaite, VA, Forsgren, E & BG Kapoor). Enfield, NH: Science Publishers Inc.
- Vesakoski, O., Merilaita, S. & Jormalainen, V 2008: Reckless males, rational females: Dynamic trade-off between food and shelter in the marine isopod Idotea balthica. - Behavioural Processes 79: 175-181.
- Tullberg, B.S., Gamberale-Stille, G., Bohlin, T. & Merilaita S. 2008: Seasonal ontogenetic colour plasticity in the adult striated shieldbug Graphosoma lineatum (Heteroptera) and its effect on detectability. - Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62:1389-1396.
- Bohlin, T., Tullberg, B.S. & Merilaita S. 2008: The effect of signal appearance and distance on detection risk in an aposematic butterfly larva (Parnassius apollo). - Animal Behaviour 76: 577-584.
- Friberg, M., Vongvanich, N., Borg-Karlson, A.-K., Kemp, D.J., Merilaita, S. & Wiklund, C. 2008: Female mate choice determines reproductive isolation between sympatric butterflies. - Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 62: 873-886.
- Caro, T., Merilaita, S. & Stevens, M. 2008: The colours of animals: From Wallace to present day. I. Cryptic coloration. In: Natural selection & beyond: The intellectual legacy of Alfred Russel Wallace. Ed.: Smith, C.I. & Beccaloni, G. Pp. 125-143. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
- Jennifer E Blyth, Daniel Lachaise & Michael G Ritchie 2008; Divergence in Multiple Courtship Song Traits between Drosophila santomea and D. yakuba Ethology 114:728-736
- Heubel KU, Lindström K, Kokko H 2008: Females increase current reproductive effort when future access to males is uncertain. Biology Letters 4:224-227
- Järvi-Laturi M, Lehtonen TK, Pampoulie C, Lindström K 2008: Paternal care behaviour of sand gobies is determined by habitat related nest structure. Behaviour 145:39-50
- Klug H, Lindström K 2008: Hurry-up and hatch: Selective filial cannibalism of slower developing eggs. Biology Letters 4:160-162
- Lehtonen TK, Lindström K 2008: Density-dependent sexual selection in the monogamous fish Archocentrus nigrofasciatus. Oikos 117:867-874
- Lehtonen TK, Lindström K 2008: Repeatability of mating preferences in the sand goby. Animal Behaviour 75:55-61
- Lindström K, St.Mary CM 2008: Parental care and sexual selection. In: Magnhagen, C., Braithwaite, Victoria A., Forsgren, Elisabet, and Kapoor, B. G. (eds) Fish Behaviour. Science Publisher, Inc., Enfield, NH, pp 377-409
- Wong BBM, Lehtonen TK, Lindström K 2008: Male nest choice in sand gobies, Pomatoschistus minutus. Ethology 114:575-581
- Ruxton, G.D., Franks, D.W., Balogh, A.C.V. & Leimar, O. 2008: Evolutionary implications of the form of predator generalization for aposematic signals and mimicry in prey. Evolution 62-11, 2931-2921.
- Balogh, A.C.V., Gamberale-Stille, G. & Leimar, O. 2008: Learning and the mimicry spectrum: from quasi-Bates to super-Müller. Anim. Behav. 76, 1591-1599.
- Karell, P., Kontiainen, P., Pietiäinen, H., Siitari, H. & Brommer, J.E. 2008. Maternal effects on offspring Igs and eggsize in relation to natural and experimentally improved food conditions. Functional Ecology 22: 682-690.
- Kontiainen, P., Brommer, J. E., Karell, P. & Pietiäinen, H. 2008. Heritability, plasticity and canalization of Ural owl egg size in a cyclic environment. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21: 88-96.
- Kekkonen, J., Kolunen, H., Pietiäinen, H., Karell, P. & Brommer, J. E. 2008. Tawny owl reproduction and offspring sex ratios under variable food conditions. Journal of Ornithology 149: 59-66.