Page 20 - Åbo Akademi International brochure
P. 20
Engineering of
Data-intensive Turku
Software Systems
From ÅAU: Master of Science (Technology) in Computer Engineering
Studies The EDISS programme aims to bridge Career
EDISS is a two-year Erasmus Mundus the gap between data scientists The job market has seen a signifi-
Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) pro- and software engineers by offering cant growth in demand for expertise
gramme delivered by four partner a range of courses that give the stu- in data related fields. The exper-
universities – Åbo Akademi Univer- dent a basis for engineering data-in- tise gained through the EDISS pro-
sity, University of the Balearic Islands tensive intelligent software systems. gramme is still scarce among profes-
(Spain), University of L’Aquila (Italy) Students will thus become experts sionals in the field, a fact which serves
and Mälardalen University (Sweden). in integrating data science and mac- as an advantage for graduates from
The area of specialization will deter- hine learning solutions into software the programme. The highly interna-
mine which country and partner uni- and system engineering processes, tional nature of the programme and
versity the student will relocate to for which brings them to the forefront of broad opportunities to network and
the second year of the programme. the next generation of professionals gain practical experience through
that shape industry and society in the the programme internship and mas-
21st century. ter’s thesis work can help facilitate
opportunities after graduation.