Page 15 - Åbo Akademi International brochure
P. 15
Turku Biomedical
Master of Science
Studies Career
The 2-year biomedical imaging mas- Upon successful completion of this
ter’s degree programme (BIMA) cov- programme, our students have gone
ers a broad range of subjects in imag- on to work in a number of diverse
ing and related topics, ranging from roles within the biomedical and sci-
microscopy to medical imaging and entific sectors. Many of our students
digital imaging analysis, connected have continued to study at PhD level
to, for example, cell biology, nano- with success in a wide variety of fields
medicine, anatomy or biophysics. ranging from biosciences to dentist-
In addition, students are given the ry. Additionally, our students have
opportunity to specialize in targeted obtained roles as imaging core facil-
areas of biomedical imaging through ity personnel and lab technicians. A
their choice of selectable major sub- small sample of the titles obtained by
ject studies. Students will also gain our students include Multimedia Pro-
practical experience working in a re- ducer at the Institute of Biomedicine,
search group while doing an intern- Euro-BioImaging Node Technician,
ship and their master’s thesis project. and Coordinator at Turku BioImag-
The studies will provide students with ing.
a strong basis for further studies in an
academic and professional context.
The program is organized as a close
collaboration between Åbo Akademi
University and University of Turku.