ISB 2004 Winter School at Luosto, 7 - 10 December
25 January 2005: Photos available!
This year's winter school of the graduate school will be at the Luosto resort in
Lapland. The scientific program includes presentations by students
and by guest speakers.
The detailed program of the Winter School in PDF format. (91kB)
Invited speakers:
- Zoltán Gáspári (Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary) Structure investigations of small protease inhibitors by NMR
- Peter Güntert (RIKEN Genomic Sciences Center, Yokohama, Japan) Automated NMR protein structure calculation in structural genomics/proteomics
- Andrea Schmidt (EMBL Hamburg, Germany) Atomic Resolution Macromolecular Crystallography at EMBL Hamburg
- Gerrit van Meer (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) Sphingolipid fate and function in intracellular transport
- Cait Murray (Strategic Scientific Consulting Ltd. / Eximia Research Ltd., United Kingdom) The importance of spin, sales and marketing in science
- Ulrike Uhrig (Tripos GmbH, Germany)
ISB student speakers:
- Zoltán Bicskei
- Johanna Jokinen
- Pauli Kallio
- Piia Karisola (thesis work complete)
- Mikko Katajamaa
- Anni Kauko
- Heidi Kidron
- Jukka Lehtonen (thesis work complete)
- Anssi Malinen
- Heli Nummelin (thesis work complete)
- Anne-Sisko Patana
- Géza Szilvay
- Outi Salo
- Lisa Spoof (thesis work complete)
- Lotta von Ossowski