3 Wegematic 1000 Memories

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Robi Lindblad

Robi Lindblad, Aimo Törn (Picture Aimo Törn)

I took part in all Wegematic courses held in the end of the fifties. My interest in computers arouse during an IBM 650 course held by Olli Varho. During 1960-1961 I wrote my Master Thesis on numerical computations of integrals. The Thesis included an algorithm that was programmed and tested on Wegematic. I advised in programming at some time in 1960-1961, probably following Clas Grägg. In 1961 I was lecturing in data processing at HHÅA.

In 1961 Yrjö Jävenpää and I were employed by Pargas Kalk to be in charge for the data processing of the firm. Our boss was Lars Pakarinen and the computer used was the Wegematic. We worked on reporting and statistical computations.

At some time during 1961-1962, through Pargas Kalk, I was working as operator and service man at the Computing Center. As free lance I also programmed during this time. I remember programming on invoicing for the Electric Power Department of the Town of Turku.

The writer is by October 2000 Site Manager at Partek Nordkalk, an offspring to Pargas Kalkbergs AB.