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The International Association for Dialogue Analysis  and 
the  Literary Communication Project of Åbo Akademi University  

invite papers for a Conference on


The 14th Conference of the International Association for Dialogue Analysis

to be held in Turku, Finland from April 2nd – 4th , 2012


The 14th Conference of The International Association for Dialogue Analysis will be hosted by the Literary Communication Project of Åbo Akademi University from April 2nd to 4th, 2012.

Proposals are invited for papers on all aspects of Dialogue Analysis. In addition, the Conference will have a thematic focus on the issue of Literature as Dialogue. In other words, proposals are also invited for papers particularly examining the extent to which the writing, reading and performance of so-called literary texts can be seen as processes involving an element of dialogical interchange between those who write them and those who in one way or another use them.

It is expected that this thematic focus will bring together linguists, literary scholars, and scholars interested in human communication of every kind, including the literary. Part of the background is the increasing emphasis among linguists on the dialogicality of all language use. Equally, the Conference relates to moves by literary critics and theoreticians towards an ethics of writing and reception which sees literary community-making as a process which involves a comparing of notes from what may be widely differing points of view.

Scholars interested in the literature-as-dialogue focus are invited to propose papers dealing not only with the implications of the dialogical perspective on literature for linguistic, literary or communicational theory, but with the detailed analysis of particular instances of literary dialogicality. Some of the more theoretical papers could well re-examine, and perhaps modify the account put forward in Bakhtin’s The Dialogic Imagination. Some of the analytical papers could deal with possible correlations between a particular literary text’s degree or kind of dialogicality and the impression readers are likely to form of its quality and value. Other topics could relate to similarities or differences between the dialogicality which takes place among characters as represented by a writer within the world of the text and that same writer’s own dialogicality vis à vis the writing’s addressees. No less appropriate would be topics of a meta-scholarly or pedagogical nature. Could it be, for instance, that research into the dialogicality of widely admired literary texts, by feeding into programmes of public education, will in the long run help to foster humane and constructive modes of address in the world at large?

Invited plenary papers will be delivered by Professor Dame Gillian Beer (Cambridge University), Professor Leona Toker (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Professor Pamela M. King (University of Bristol) and Professor  Franz Hundsnurscher (Westphalian Wilhelm University of Münster).

Proposals (max. 300 words) for papers on both Dialogue Analysis in general and Literature as Dialogue in particular should be submitted as e-mail attachments to Adam Borch (english(at), before November 30th, 2011.  Requests for practical information about registration, travel and accommodation should be directed to the Conference Secretary, Inna Lindgren (english(at)


Roger D. Sell (rsell(at)

H.W. Donner Research Professor of Literary Communication


     Last updated 4.10.2011