Page 11 - Åbo Akademi University brochure 2024-2025
P. 11
Two vibrant
student cities
Turku With excellent transport links and the The city of Vaasa is situated on the
Turku (Åbo in Swedish) is Finland’s famous archipelago lying just outside west coast of Finland with direct
oldest university town with traditions the city, Åbo has many enticing fea- connections to Helsinki and Stock-
dating back to 1640. With more than tures for students looking to make holm and Umeå in Sweden. The re-
40,000 students, the city offers a safe use of their free time. The city is loc- gion is one of the most innovative in
and exciting environment for stu- ated 160 kilometres west of Helsinki Finland and an important centre for
dents to enjoy a vibrant student life. (the capital of Finland) and also con- Finland-Swedish culture. The Vaasa
Most of the universities are located tains a port where cruises to Stock- campus is small and friendly with
along the banks of the River Aura, a holm and The Åland Islands are easily easy access to services and outdoor
walk that also contains museums, res- accessed. activities.
taurants, a theatre and examples of
the medieval town. The Kvarken archipelago, is a chain
Vaasa of 5 000 islands and a unique place
With an international atmosphere and Our Vaasa campus is located in the to see the uplift of land that followed
memorable student traditions, stu- city of Vaasa (Vasa in Swedish), often the last Ice Age. The gateway to the
dying in Turku is often described as called the sunniest city in Finland. world heritage is located next to Fin-
being an entirely unique experience Vaasa is a true university city with land´s longest bridge.
with many international students many institutions of higher education
picking up skills in both Swedish and bringing over 13,000 students to the
Finnish during their stay. area.