Page 27 - Åbo Akademi International brochure
P. 27
My name is Jessica, before my stu- Why did you choose
dies in Governance of Digitalization, Governance of
I studied in the bachelor’s degree
programme at Turku University of Ap- Digitalization?
plied Sciences called International I looked on LinkedIn for people who
Business (2016-2019). Before that, I studied my bachelor’s programme
lived in Hertfordshire in England. and looked at what master’s pro-
gramme they did after and where
I had a couple of friends from Finland. they worked. Many have gone on
I was considering which university to study the governance of digitali-
to apply to, some of my peers were zation. I also reached out to some of
considering options abroad and I those people to ask about the pro-
became curious about what it would gram. The description of the study
be like to go to Finland for my stu- program also caught my interest. I
dies. My friends encouraged me had also taken part in some courses
and shared information about what related to digitalization and it was a
programs were available to study in subject area I wanted to develop in.