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Nordic Network in Biological Informatics


ISB 2014 Winter School will take place on November 24 - 27 at Levi, Kittilä, Finland
Please see upcoming courses and conferences on the activities page.
Form for applying funding for students' activities has been added in the 'For students' section.

The Nordic Network in Biological Informatics consists of four organizations with national responsibilities to provide resarch education and training, and additionally, national resources for research. Our network's primary aims within this setting are to promote cooperation among national schools in the Nordic region in order to

The network was funded by NordForsk initially for the period 2009-2011, and the funding has since been extended through 2014.

The four member graduate schools currently (December 2008) have 188 full-time graduate students, 124 principal investigators, and 58 other participants. The member schools are: