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At the Åbo Akademi Process Chemistry Centre (PCC) we study detailed physico-chemical processes in complex environments of industrial importance, in order to meet the needs of tomorrow’s process and product development. This approach, with the focus on the detailed understanding of the process chemistry, we have called Molecular Process Technology. The PCC was formed in 1998 by joining four research groups at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering at Åbo Akademi into one research centre with common objectives and research strategy. In 2012-2013 about 20 senior researchers and 50 PhD candidates worked in the altogether 50 research projects of the Centre. In addition, a number of shorter term visitors, Master’s students and support personnel participate in our activities.

A list of the research equipment available at the Process Chemistry Centre can be downloaded here (pdf file). The file also contains information on the persons responsible for the equipment.

Theses works

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As in previous years, a central part of our research activities is done as part of the doctoral theses works. At the moment altogether about 40 PhD thesis projects are actively underway in the Centre. Many of the PhD works are done with support from the national graduate schools. At the moment the PCC is responsible for the coordination of the national Graduate School in Chemical Engineering (GSCE). In 2013, 41 students were participating in the activities of the GSCE, 6 of them from our Centre. The PCC groups have further participated in the graduate schools of Materials Research (GSMR), the International Doctoral Programme in Bioproducts Technology (PaPSaT), Chemical Sensors and Micro Analytical Systems (CHEMSEM), Environmental Science and Technology (EnSTe), Nanoscience (NGS-NANO) and the Biomaterial Graduate School (BGS). The Nordic Graduate School in Biofuel Science and Technology (biofuelsGS-2) was part of the Nordic Energy Research activities funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers and was coordinated by our centre.