The goal
of the new Graduate School, the BiofuelsGS-2, is to continue to raise the
esteem and quality of the doctoral training within the Nordic universities
in the area of biomass and waste conversion to fuels, heat and power.
Graduate School aims also at providing the basic scientific and technical
knowledge to solve problems related to conversion of biofuels.
This is
achieved by collaboration in post-graduate course arrangements, shared
student supervision by student and supervisor visits between the base
universities, and intensive industry-academia networking.
is a direct continuation to the former Nordic graduate school “biofuelsGS”,
which was established in 2003. BiofuelsGS2 is funded by the Nordic Energy
Research for the period of four years, starting the 1 st of January 2007,
ending the 31 st of December 2010.
post-graduate programme is operated jointly by the four universities:
Chalmers University of Technology (CTH), Sweden,
Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway
Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU), Finland.
is funded by the Nordic
Energy Research
for the period of four years, starting the 1st of January 2007, ending the
31st of December 2010.