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Chalmers Thermal conversion
Thermo Chemical Conversion of
Biomass and Wastes
Chalmers, Göteborg 19-23 November 2007
Henrik Thunman and Bo Leckner
This course is about thermal conversion (pyrolysis, gasification and combustion) of solid
biomass or wastes.
The aim is to give the participants the fundamental knowledge of how
thermal converters of solid biomass and wastes are designed, why they are designed as they
are and how the individual fuel particles are converted within these devices. This is presented
in the form of lectures, tutorials and five assignments:
- Modelling of the covering conversion of thermal small particles
- Modelling of the conversion of thermally large particles including comparison with measurement data
- Design of a stationary (bubbling) fluidised bed
- Heat balance of a gasifier
- Heat balance of Chalmers 12 MW circulating fluidised bed boiler
The topics included are:
- Fuel characteristics
- Conversion of solid fuel
- Conversion devices
- Boilers, gasifiers and furnaces
- Energy system related to thermo chemical conversion of solid biomass and wastes
Teaching form:
Lectures 16 h
Tutorials 16 h
Excursion 2 h
Assignments 40 h
Prof. Bo Leckner, Ass Prof. Henrik Thunman
Tutorials and assignment:
M.Sc. Robert Johansson, M.Sc. Sven Hermansson
Course credits(ECTS): 5