

Leila Räsänen

What was the situation in Finland when the Bryt-project took place?

- Statistical the dimensions of sex segregation were revealed
- Labor and Occupational Training Authorities had launched measures to break the segregation
- The Act on Equality was passed in 1986, including the prohibition of discrimination and demanding employers to take active measures to break sex segregation

What have we learned from the Bryt-project?

Teachers were found to:
- To denay the problem of segregation
- consider that the priciples of gender equality and non segregation were fully followed at schools. Many girsls succeeded well in physics and chose technical carriees.
- One should not interfere in free choice of school children
- Segregation was reproduced by the family, companions, the media, the labour market, and biology
- Carrieer councelling teachers and teachers of occupational training institutes recognaised more often the need to desegregation measures.

Girls are not the problem! Effective measures can be developed in and applied to normal schools:
- Create a learning environment which wellcomes girls and enables positive learning experiences (in physics teaching, one week courses at tecnical training institutes and at working places included in the standard curricula, girls in technical training)
- Change the curricula to meet girls’ values and interests
- Build on girls’ experiences
- Look at the individual, encourage, don’t blame
- ”Girl pedagogics” enhanced also boys’ motivation in physics and technology (pupil centered approach)
- Boys’ interest in caring professions can be raised with respective measures

The Employers
- are interested in braking the segregation if it helps to solve problems e.g. in recruitement (Paper and Pulp Company was expecting shortage of labour force, took part in the project, analysed its own personnel policy, started to encourage and train women in new job areas.
- An independent project from outside is more easily trusted by both partners

Public Labour Services

- In service training was organised and innovative approaches developed
- Commitment by the political decision makers and the leaders of the Services are a prerequisite a continued activity
- An over all strategy in the administration and services is needed

Lessons in Project management: - Changes takes time - Dont expect too much personal response - There is no alternative to open dialogue - Without opposition no progress.
- Develop you capacities in scientific understanding (gender segregation, action research)
- Learn about previous projects
- You cannot control a multitude of factors reproducing segregation, however, address as many as you can

Dispersion - New projects building on the BRYT were carried out
- Participants in the BRYT activities applied the experiences
- Gender sensitive professionals at key positions in organisations/authorities took new initiatives
- Dont’ expect that good results will change the policies of mainstream institutions, however, keep trying

Where are we now?

- Sex segregation has diminished in 1970-1990 (documented) : Women have entered in greater numbers in male dominated occupations and professions. Men Female dominated fields have remained the same (Check! even more women?)
- The target of desegregation is now adopted in emloyment and education policy. It is included in the Prorgam of the present Government and the National Action Plan on Employment (EU)
- A number of projects to break the segregation are financed every year using also ESF funding (eg. WomenIT, Womeng, TINA, Indecs, Mirror)
- The target is also integrated in other nation wide projets such as LUMA (Development Programme for Science and Mathematics Education)