


Drude Dahlerup
OH slides

Kvinder-i-mandefag /  mandefags-strategien/ Bryt-strategien

Viktig jämställdhetsstrategi/ vigtig ligestilling-strategi, på 80-talet

Hvad var diagnosen?  Hvad anså man for problemet? Hvordan præsenteredes problemet? 

1. Pigerne vælger for snævert og traditionelt   (Pigernes ansvar)

2.     Reel exklusion af kvinder   (Arbejdsgivernes ansvar)

Hvorfor anså/anser man arbejdsmarkedets kønsopdeling for at være et problem. What’s the problem presented to be: 

Arbejdsgivernes synsvinkel:

1.     Fremtidig mangel på arbejskraft i mandefagene/mansyrke

2.     Bedre klima på arbejdspladsen med mixture af kvinder og mænd


3.     Større reelle valgmuligheder for kvinder. Mindskning af arbejdsløsheden for kvinder

4.     Kønssegregering opretholder ulige løn/ kønsintegrering fremmer ligeløn

5.     Kønssegregering opretholder kønsmagt-systemet/könsmaktsordningen

6.     Opgøret med biologismen på arbejdsmarkedet

Yvonne Hirdman: 
Genus - om det stabilas föränderliga former.

Liber 2001.

Könmaktordningens 2 "lagar":

1.  könens isärhållande

2. den manliga normens primat  (hierarki)

Discourses and consequences

Problem diagnosis:                 Policy proposals:


1. Patriarchal system, gender power system      1. Structural changes


2. Inequality caused by old prejudice                2. Change of attitudes


3. Equality is almost obtained                           3. No action


4. Women are beginning to dominate                4. Affirmative actions for men

1.  Theory of increasing disproportion -

the higher up, the fewer women


2.  Theory of shrinking institutions 

When women enter, power moves out, or women are able to enter, when the power has already moved somewhere else

                     Not accepted

Two Alternatives to Sex Segregation:

Aim: Full integration of women and men in all jobs on the labor marked (50-50 in all occupations and at all levels of the hierarchies)

Alternative aim: 

Breaking the vertical, but not necessarily the horizontal sex segregation.

It is not so important that women and men work in the same occupations and functions. Rather, the aim is that different occupations are given equal worth (horizontal dimension), and that women have the same chances of getting into leadership positions than men (vertical dimension)

Do Women Need Interventions by the State?


1.   Redistribution of money to women, f.ex. to single mothers, maternity leave 

2.   Public services, f.ex. child care, and care for the elderly

3.   Regulations, f.ex. anti-discrimination provisions 

4.   Protection against physical and sexualized violenc


-        Actions to make men participate more in household work

- should the state intervene?

-        Changing gender segregation in education and on the labour market -

- should the state intervene?

Two concepts of equality:

1. Equality of opportunity (the classic liberal concept)

2. Equality of result   (the social-democratic/modern Nordic concept). Today a global discourse

By e.g. affirmative action/electoral quotas