Constructive rational approximation and interpolation in the unit disk


My research interests are in the area of approximation theory in the complex unit disk. I have studied finite Blaschke products in connection with constructive methods for rational Chebyshev approximation, [7], [9], and various types of rational interpolation problems, so-called Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation, in the unit disk, [5], [6]. Applications of such methods can be found in H-optimization and control theory (model reduction, model matching theory etc.).

I have also considered rational unimodular boundary interpolation on the complex unit circle (interpolation with ratios of finite Blaschke products), [2], [4],
and nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert problems with circular target curves (problems of finding all functions in the disk algebra satisfying a given boundary condition on the unit circle), [1], [3]. In the rational cases these problems involve application of Wiener-Hopf factorization and generalized Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation by finite Blaschke products, and they have applications for instance in H-optimization of dynamical systems.

Some references

[1] C. Glader, E. Wegert: Nonlinear Rational Riemann-Hilbert Problems with Circular Target Curves, Computational Methods and Function Theory, Vol. 9 (2009), No. 2, 653-678.

[2] C. Glader: Minimal Degree Rational Unimodular Interpolation on the Unit Circle, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, Vol. 30 (2008), 88-106.

[3] C. Glader, E. Wegert:Nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert Problems with Circular Target Curves, Mathematische Nachrichten, Vol. 281 (2008), No. 9, 1221-1239.

[4] C. Glader: Rational Unimodular Interpolation on the Unit Circle, Computational Methods and Function Theory, Vol. 6 (2006), No. 2, 481-492.

[5] C. Glader, M. Lindström: A new algorithm for meromorphic Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation, Numerische Mathematik, Vol. 100 (2005), No. 1, 49-69.

[6] C. Glader, M. Lindström: Finite Blaschke product interpolation on the closed unit disc, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 273 (2002), No. 2, 417-427.

[7] C. Glader: A method for rational Chebyshev approximation of rational functions on the unit disk and on the unit interval, Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 26 (2001), 151-165.

[8] C. Glader: An Exchange Algorithm for Laurent Polynomial Chebyshev Approximation on the Unit Circle, Complex Variables, Vol. 46 (2001), No. 4, 369-384

[9] C. Glader, G. Högnäs: An Equioscillation Characterization of Finite Blaschke Products, Complex Variables, Vol. 42 (2000), 107-118.