
NSN aims at providing a Ph.D. program in seagrass ecology with regular (in 3 year periods) training courses for Ph.D. students. The courses will include different topics for each country reflecting the special national expertise (DK: biogeochemistry and
demography, SWE: predation and cascades, FIN: mixed meadows ecology, NOR: biodiversity).

A first course is planned for 2011 in Denmark.The focus is on restoration after eutrophication, and several topics will be covered in detail by
participation of researchers from the NSN network: demography, biogeochemistry, ecology, biodiversity and cascades. The course will mix lectures, demonstrations and experimental field and laboratory work to give a broad and comprehensive training
in seagrass ecology and modern research techniques. To be able to provide courses of high international standard, teachers are recruited from the network as well as internationally through contacts within the network.
