Aimo Törn: Probabilistic Algorithms

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Some other discrete probabilistic algorithms

We analyzed an application of Freivald's technique for verifying matrix multiplication based on fingerprinting, giving an O(n2) procedure.

For another application based on fingerprinting, verifying equality of strings we found that for strings of the size 232 bits by comparing their identical fingerprints of size less than 70 bits the probability that the strings differ is less than 2-32. The fingerprint for a string S is defined as b(s) (modulo p) where b(S) is S interpreted as a binary number and p is a random prime less than 270.

We also looked at public key cryptography and especially the RCA cryptosystem. Like in the previous application the technique requires that large primes (200-300 decimal digits) can be found efficiently. The technique relies on the fact that it is not tractable to factor numbers that are products of two such big primes.