2 Random numbers

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2.7 Generating random digits

For the congruential methods we could let the new number to be generated depend not just on the previous number generated but on some of the previously generated numbers
            Xi = a1Xi-1+...+akXi-k (mod m)
This will make the period to be of the order of mk. One special case is to let m=2 so that the generator generates binary digits. Then of course ai are 0 or 1 with ak=1. By choosing the parameters carefully the maximal period 2k-1 is obtained.

Illustration: Let k=2, i.e.

          bi=a1bi-1+bi-2 (mod 2)
We have two possibilities 1) a1=0, 2) a1=1.

1) bi = bi-2 (mod m). Starting with b0=0 and b1=1 (any combination except 0, 0 can be used) we obtain the sequence 011... i.e., a period of 1.

2)bi=bi-1+bi-2 (mod 2). Starting with b0=0 and b1=1 we obtain the sequence 011 011 ... i.e., the maximal period 3 (=22-1).

The problem of finding optimal weights ai is equivalent to finding primitive polynomials of degree k (mod 2). We may use k adjacent digits in the sequence to obtain random numbers with k digits. In case 2), k=2 we obtain the sequence 01, 11, 10, or written in decimal 1, 3, 2, i.e., all numbers representable with two binary digits except 0.

2.8 Combining generators

MacLaren and Marsaglia (see Knuth) have suggested the following highly recommended algorithm to combine two random sequences Xi and Yi into a "considerably more random" sequence by using an auxilary vector V[0],...,V[k-1] originally filled with the first k values of the X-sequence:
    1.Set X, Y equal to the next numbers of the sequences
      Xi, Yi respectively.
    2.Set j <- floor(kY/m), where m is the modulus 
      used in  Yi; i.e. j is a random number in [0,k-1].
    3. Output V[j] and then set V[j] <- Xi.