2 Random numbers

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2.3 The middle-square-method

The middle-square-method was one of the first methods (John von Neumann, 1946) used to generate pseudo random numbers. The method works as follows. In order to generate the next number, square the current number and let the next number be the middle part of the product.

Illustration: Let the base b=10, let the number of digits to consider n=2, and let the seed be 11. Squaring 11 gives 0121 and the middle part and the next number is thus 12. Proceeding in this way we obtain

  X   XX      Recurrence graph
 11  0121      11 ->
 12  0144       12 ->
 14  0196        14 ->
 19  0361         19 ->
 36  1296          36 ->
 29  0841           29 ->
 84  7056            84 ->
 05  0025             05 ->
 02  0004              02 ->
 00  0000               00 ->
 00  0000                00
 ..  ....
This also illustrates one draw back of the method. Once zero is obtained all the following numbers are also zero. In real use we would of course use a larger n and hopefully get a large number of pseudo random numbers before the generator degenerates but the problem prevails. In other cases the generator ends up in a fairly short cycle.

This is why this method was abandoned and other generators were considered.

As was stated in Section 2.1 pseudo random numbers should not be generated with a method chosen at random but according to some technique with analysable properties. A striking example of the opposite is given in Knuth where a "super-random technique" shows very bad performance.