Gaussian Input/Output

Codename: gjf, gout


Gaussian output (import only):

Marvin provides a basic functionality for importing the text output (lige) files produced by
Gaussian. Marvin imports the molecular structure stored in Gaussian output files including
the following data:
Description          Imported into property:
Title          "Gaussian_titleline"
             The title line is checked for the existance of a
SMILES representation of the structure
Command line(s)
         "Energy" and "Energy_unit" to "Hartree"
             As Gaussian may report the system's total energy,
             in case of special jobs the stored value should be
             validated before further use

Gaussian input (export only):

Marvin provides a basic functionality to export into Gaussian input (gjf) format. The general
description of the format is too complicated, therefore the import functionality is not available yet.

"Gaussian_titleline" and "Gaussian_commandline" properties can overwrite the defaults. The
total charge of the molecule is determined by the charged atoms in the molecule.

For further information on Gaussian and its file formats visit: