Java VM options

If you run ChemAxon applications from command line (through ChemAxon shell scripts), then apart form the application specific parameters, you can specify some options to Java VM (like Java heap size). E.g.:

    mview -Xmx128m huge-file.sdf
sets the max memory of the Java VM to 128Mb (the default value is 64Mb). This can be useful if we want to load a huge molecule file into the MarvinView application.


-client  to select the "client" VM
-server  to select the "server" VM
-Xmx<size>  set maximum Java heap size
-X  print help on non-standard options. Different Java VM-s support various non-standard options. After printing the help, the Java VM exits immediatelly. Thus, the application will not start if the command line includes this option.
The ChemAxon shell scripts can evalute all non-standard options starting with -X.