On the way to tolerance: women in modern religious Russia
Marina Vorobjova
Religion plays the most important of roles in an individual's life and in the society's life in general, therefore discussion of the topic of tolerance is impossible without discussion of religious tolerance as a necessary component of any civilized society.
We identify two basic features: interrelations between religions and treatment of a woman in religion. Both of these directions can be united in one research (tolerance in gender relations); therefore we underline the necessity of respect and tolerance for the world around us and for the opposite sex.
In religion women are often graded much too low and it leads to a number of problems of both psychological and social character. We believe it necessary to attract attention of scholars working in different areas towards this fact.
Our research only covers a period of a little more then ten years, but this minimal chronological timeline is determined by, first of all, the multiplicity of Russian religious spectrum and also by the ever-changing nature of public, political and social situations.