Study in English 2014-2015 - page 95

Åbo Akademi University 2014/2015
Judaic Studies
Judaic studies as a part of the programme of the Theologi-
cal Faculty is a unique case in Finland. At Åbo akademi it is
possbile to choose Judaic studies as a main subject in the
masters degree in Theology. The long history of Judaism is
explored chronologically and thematically: frompre-Christian
centuries to modern thinkers and from basics of theology to
phenomena like Jewish-Christian dialogue or antisemitism.
The faculty of Theology hosts the largest collection of Judaic
studies and primary sources (Talmudic literature etc) in Fin-
land and the library is open for anyone interested in the field.
Contact professor Antti Laato (
) or univ.teacher
Pekka Lindqvist
Modern Judaism
10 credits
Intermediate level
Self-study course
Contact: Pekka Lindqvist
Aim(s): To give the student a better understanding of modern
Judaism (1800-) and its different branches as well as a give an
insight into the challenges modern Judaism face in modern
Form of assessment: Written examination based on the
Course literature:
J. Neusner: Judaism in Modern Times. An Introduction and
R. Patai & E.S. Goldsmith (ed.): Thinkers and Teachers of
Modern Judaism
N. M. Samuelson: An Introduction to Modern Jewish Phi-
D. Vital: The Future of the Jews. A People at the Crossroads?
J. M. Mintz: Hasidic People. A Place in the New World
Children of Abrahamwith a special view on
10 credits
Intermediate level
Self-study course
Contact: Pekka Lindqvist
Aim(s): Children of Abraham, the three monotheistic faiths
(Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) have a long parallel history
which includes both peaceful contacts and conflicts. The
course gives the student an introduction into the dynamics
of this "abrahamic" interreligious encounter in history and
present world (approx. equivalent to 5 credits) as well as
focuses on a special topic antisemitism and its various forms
(approx. equivalent to 5 credits).
Content: 1) Encounters of the three monotheistic religions
2) Antisemitism
Form of assessment: Written examination based on the
Course literature:
J. Neusner (ed.): Religious Foundations of Western Civilization
N. Solomon, R. Harries & T. Winter (eds) Jews, Christians and
Muslims in Conversation
W. Horbury: Jews and Christians in contact and controversy
J. Parkes: The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue: A
Study in the origins of the antisemitism.
J. Trachtenberg: The Devil and the Jews: The medieval con-
ception of the Jew and its relation to modern antisemitism
A. G. Bostom (ed.): The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism (par-
courses and
Exchange students may choose to take courses in the follow-
ing special programmes or by the following special providers
listed in this section.
Asian Programme 2014
The Finnish University Network for Asian Studies is opening
an additional application period for the autumn term 2014.
In this application round (September 1 - 14, 2014)
you can
only apply to the courses that are organised in the autumn
of 2014, see list below. The intake of students is max 100 per
each course. Students are accepted in the programme in
order of enrollment. The application form will be available
on 1 September 2014.
The Asian Studies Programme is an interdisciplinary study
programme, which offers students basic knowledge of East
and Southeast Asia. The programme also includes a course
on India ("India in the World Politics"). The programme is
organised by the FinnishUniversity Network for Asian Studies.
The programme consists of online courses with lectures and
exercises. It is organised in theMoodle e-learning platformon
the Internet. The programme can be taken as aminor subject
or in smaller course entities. The language of instruction is
English.The programme is free for all students and exchange
students who are registered in the Network member univer-
sities (Aalto, Jyväskylä, Lappeenranta U of Technology, Oulu,
Tampere, Turku, Vaasa, Åbo Akademi). The programme is
recommended for students who have already completed
their first study year.
Additional information at
Finnish University Network for Asian Studies
University Teacher Silja Keva, tel. 02-333 8897, e-mail:silja.
Business in East and Southeast Asia
7, 5, or 2 credits
Web-based course
Offered: Autumn 2014 (the course starts 22.9.2014)?
Additional application period: September 1 - 14, 2014
Language and Communication in East and
Southeast Asia
6 credits
Web-based course
Offered: Autumn 2014 (the course starts 22.9.2014)
Additional application period: September 1 - 14, 2014
India in the World Politics
6 credits
Web-based course
Offered: Autumn 2014 (the course starts 22.9.2014)?
Additional application period: September 1 - 14, 2014
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